Todos os preços estão em dólar americano
PlayStation 3 | PlayStation Vita | Pré-venda | Descontos | Promoções | Mudanças de preço | Expansões para PS4 | Expansões para PS3 | Expansões para PS Vita | Temas e Avatares
PlayStation 3
Monopoly Deal ($4.99)Um game de cartas rápido e viciante baseado num dos mais clássicos e famosos jogos de tabuleiros da história. Compita contra amigos ou toda uma comunidade fanática enquanto completa seu deck e constrói seu império imobiliário.
Monopoly Plus ($9.99)
O clássico jogo de tabuleiro que destruiu muitas amizades, agora em versão digital. Veja o tabuleiro ganhar vida enquanto compra as propriedades de seus amigos e os leva à falência.
PlayStation Vita
Atelier Ayesha Plus with Bonus ($39.99)Relançamento do jRPG de alquimia do PS3 para o Vita. Possui todo o conteúdo adicional lançado no PS3, além de vários extras, como a possibilidade de colocar o áudio em japonês.
Fat Princess: Piece of Cake (Free)
Resgate a princesa! Piece of Cake leva o combate medieval cômico de Fat Princess a um novo nível. São mais de 55 níveis através de 5 ambientes, 10 desafios bônus e 4 diferentes classes de personagens para você competir com seus amigos e salvar seu reino.
Joe Danger 2: The Movie ($10.99)
Ajude Joe Danger a encarar os desafios de vários blockbusters hollywoodianos nessa ventura mortal! Exclusivamente no Vita, você terá a ajuda de Sackboy, além da companhia dos heróis de Tearaway, Atoi e Iota.
Shake Spears! (Gratuito, Cross Save e Cross Play com o PS3)
Transforme-se num valoroso cavaleiro e entre campeonatos para competir pelo coração de uma linda dama. Viaje através de quatro mundos fantásticos, vença batalhas em 20 cidades e derrote o desafiador chefe deste jogo épico.
Brandish: The Dark Revenant ($19.99, Playable on PS Vita and PSP)
Uma releitura em 3D de um jRPG clássico lançado originalmente no Super Nintendo. Neste dungeon-crawler, você deve investigar as ruínas de uma cidade subterrânea, os restos do antigo e poderoso reino de Vittoria, banido para o fundo da terra mais de mil anos atrás.
Grim Fandango Remastered (PS4, Cross Buy com o PS Vita) ($14.99)Considerado uma das melhores aventuras gráficas da história, este clássico cult finalmente será acessível para a população em geral, mais de 17 anos depois de seu lançamento. Feito por ninguém menos do que Tim Schafer (de The Secret of Monkey Island e Psychonauts), o jogo é considerado uma das últimas obras-primas da LucasArts.
Saints Row IV Re-Elected (PS4) ($49.99)
Relançamento de Saints Row IV para a nova geração. Além do jogo principal, vem com os dois DLCs de missões, mais de 25 DLCs de armas, 15 novos veículos, 60 novas peças de roupas e 6 novos superpoderes elementais.
Descontos finalizando em 20 de janeiro
Never Alone |
Plataforma | Título | Preço da Plus | Preço Promocional | Preço Original |
PS4 | Call of Duty: Ghosts Digital Hardened Edition | $45.00 | $50.00 | $99.99 |
PS4 | Call of Duty: Ghosts Gold Edition | $21.00 | $24.00 | $59.99 |
PS4 | Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn | $19.99 | $23.99 | $39.99 |
PS4 | Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Collector’s Edition | $29.99 | $35.99 | $59.99 |
PS4 | Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Character Colors – PlayStation Plus Set | Free | N/A | N/A |
PS4 | Killzone Shadow Fall | $19.99 | $23.99 | $39.99 |
PS4 | Need for Speed Rivals | $12.00 | $20.00 | $39.99 |
PS4 | Never Alone | $10.49 | N/A | $14.99 |
PS4 | Rocksmith 2014 Edition | $41.99 | $44.99 | $59.99 |
PS4 | Warframe: 75 Platinum | N/A | $3.49 | $4.99 |
PS4 | Warframe: 170 Platinum | N/A | $6.99 | $9.99 |
PS4 | Warframe 370 Platinum | N/A | $13.49 | $19.99 |
PS4 | Warframe: 1000 Platinum + Mod | N/A | $33.49 | $49.99 |
PS4 | Warframe: 2100 Platinum + Mods | N/A | $66.99 | $99.99 |
PS4 | Warframe: 3210 Platinum + Mods | N/A | $99.99 | $149.99 |
PS3 | Assassin’s Creed | $8.00 | $10.00 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Assassin’s Creed II Deluxe Edition | $9.99 | $11.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma | $16.00 | $20.00 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Bully (PS2 Classic) | $4.00 | $5.00 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Burnout Paradise Super Bundle | $7.50 | $12.00 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Super Bundle | $12.00 | $15.00 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Call of Duty: Black Ops II | $24.00 | $30.00 | $59.99 |
PS3 | Call of Duty: Ghosts Digital Hardened Edition | $45.00 | $50.00 | $99.99 |
PS3 | Call of Duty: Ghosts Gold Edition | $21.00 | $24.00 | $59.99 |
PS3 | Chrono Cross (PS3/PS Vita/PSP) | $4.99 | $5.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Chrono Trigger (PS3/PS Vita/PSP) | $4.99 | $5.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Dead Space 3 Ultimate Edition | N/A | $29.99 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Devil May Cry HD Collection | $12.00 | $15.00 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Dragon Age: Origins | $5.00 | $8.00 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Dragon’s Crown | $20.00 | $25.00 | $49.99 |
PS3 | Dragon’s Dogma Dark Arisen | $13.60 | $16.00 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Far Cry 3 Ultimate Edition | $12.49 | $14.99 | $24.99 |
PS3 | Final Fantasy IX (PS3/PS Vita/PSP) | $4.99 | $5.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Final Fantasy VII (PS3/PS Vita/PSP) | $4.99 | $5.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Final Fantasy VIII (PS3/PS Vita/PSP) | $4.99 | $5.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn | $12.49 | $14.99 | $24.99 |
PS3 | Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Collector’s Edition | $22.49 | $26.99 | $44.99 |
PS3 | Grand Theft Auto 3 (PS2 Classic) | $2.50 | $4.00 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2 Classic) | $2.50 | $4.00 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (PS2 Classic) | $2.50 | $4.00 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Character Colors – PlayStation Plus Set | Free | N/A | N/A |
PS3 | Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational | $10.00 | N/A | $19.99 |
PS3 | inFAMOUS | $11.99 | $13.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Jak and Daxter Collection | $8.00 | $10.00 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Jet Moto (PS3/PS Vita/PSP) | $2.40 | $3.00 | $5.99 |
PS3 | Jet Moto 2 (PS3/PS Vita/PSP) | $2.40 | $3.00 | $5.99 |
PS3 | Knytt Underground (Cross Buy with PS Vita) | N/A | $4.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | L.A. Noire | $7.50 | $12.00 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light | $4.50 | $6.00 | $14.99 |
PS3 | Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (PS3/PSP) | $2.40 | $3.00 | $5.99 |
PS3 | LittleBigPlanet | $7.20 | $9.00 | $17.99 |
PS3 | Mass Effect 2 Ultimate Edition | $8.75 | $14.00 | $34.99 |
PS3 | Max Payne | $4.00 | $5.00 | $9.99 |
PS3 | MediEvil (PS3/PS Vita/PSP) | $2.40 | $3.00 | $5.99 |
PS3 | Might & Magic Clash of Heroes | $7.49 | $8.99 | $14.99 |
PS3 | Mortal Kombat | $8.00 | $10.00 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Okami HD | $6.99 | $8.39 | $13.99 |
PS3 | Outland | $4.99 | $5.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Prince of Persia Sands of Time HD | $6.00 | $7.50 | $14.99 |
PS3 | R.I.P.D. | N/A | $2.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Ratchet & Clank: Collection | $12.00 | $15.00 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Rayman (PS3/PS Vita/PSP) | $2.40 | $3.00 | $5.99 |
PS3 | Red Dead Redemption | $7.50 | $12.00 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Resident Evil 4 | $8.00 | $10.00 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Rocksmith 2014 Edition | $41.99 | $44.99 | $59.99 |
PS3 | SSX | $5.00 | $8.00 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Stick it to the Man (Cross Buy with PS Vita) | N/A | $6.99 | $12.99 |
PS3 | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix | $1.79 | $2.09 | $2.99 |
PS3 | Syphon Filter (PS3/PS Vita/PSP) | $2.40 | $3.00 | $5.99 |
PS3 | The Sly Collection | $17.99 | $20.99 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas | $8.00 | $10.00 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Tomb Raider (PS3/PS Vita/PSP) | $4.00 | $5.00 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Tomb Raider 2 (PS3/PS Vita/PSP) | $2.40 | $3.00 | $5.99 |
PS3 | Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD | $6.00 | $7.50 | $14.99 |
PS3 | Twisted Metal (PS3/PS Vita/PSP) | $2.40 | $3.00 | $5.99 |
PS3 | Twisted Metal 2 (PS3/PS Vita/PSP) | $2.40 | $3.00 | $5.99 |
PS3 | Ultra Street Fighter IV | $16.00 | $20.00 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune | $12.00 | $15.00 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves GOTY Edition | $12.00 | $15.00 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Game of The Year Digital Edition | $12.00 | $15.00 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Warhawk (PS3/PS Vita/PSP) | $2.40 | $3.00 | $5.99 |
PS3 | WipEout (PS3/PS Vita/PSP) | $2.40 | $3.00 | $5.99 |
PS Vita | Big Sky: Infinity | N/A | $4.99 | $9.99 |
PS Vita | BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma | $16.00 | $20.00 | $39.99 |
PS Vita | Boss! | N/A | $4.99 | $6.99 |
PS Vita | Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars | N/A | $19.99 | $29.99 |
PS Vita | Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc | $19.99 | $23.99 | $39.99 |
PS Vita | Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited | $19.99 | $23.99 | $39.99 |
PS Vita | Dragon’s Crown | $16.00 | $20.00 | $39.99 |
PS Vita | Indoor Sports World | N/A | $2.49 | $4.99 |
PS Vita | Joe Danger 2: The Movie | $8.79 | N/A | $10.99 |
PS Vita | Knytt Underground (Cross Buy with PS3) | N/A | $4.99 | $9.99 |
PS Vita | LittleBigPlanet PS Vita | $7.20 | $9.00 | $17.99 |
PS Vita | Lumines Electronic Symphony | $10.80 | $13.50 | $26.99 |
PS Vita | Mortal Kombat PS Vita | $8.00 | $10.00 | $19.99 |
PS Vita | Persona 4 Golden | $12.00 | $15.00 | $29.99 |
PS Vita | Pure Chess | N/A | $3.99 | $7.99 |
PS Vita | Ratchet & Clank: Collection | $12.00 | $15.00 | $29.99 |
PS Vita | Stick it to the Man (Cross Buy with PS3) | N/A | $6.99 | $12.99 |
PS Vita | Table Top Racing | N/A | $3.99 | $7.99 |
PS Vita | Tearaway | $14.40 | $18.00 | $35.99 |
PSP | BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Portable | $4.99 | $5.99 | $9.99 |
PSP | Daxter | $3.99 | $4.79 | $7.99 |
PSP | Dissidia Final Fantasy | $9.99 | $11.99 | $19.99 |
PSP | Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection | $9.99 | $11.99 | $19.99 |
PSP | Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars | $5.00 | $8.00 | $19.99 |
PSP | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories | $5.00 | $8.00 | $19.99 |
PSP | LocoRoco | $5.55 | $7.50 | $14.99 |
PSP | Monster Hunter Freedom Unite | $8.00 | $10.00 | $19.99 |
PSP | Resistance: Retribution | $6.00 | $7.50 | $14.99 |
PSP | Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable | $8.00 | $10.00 | $19.99 |
PSP | Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max | $4.99 | $5.99 | $9.99 |
PSP | Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together | $9.99 | $11.99 | $19.99 |
PSP | The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky | $8.00 | $10.00 | $19.99 |
PSP | Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas | $8.00 | $10.00 | $19.99 |
PSP | WipEout Pure | $4.99 | $5.99 | $9.99 |
PSP | Ys: The Oath in Felghana | $6.00 | $7.50 | $14.99 |
Mudanças de preço
Plataforma | Título | Novo Preço | Preço Original |
PS4 | Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Legion Edition | $49.99 | $59.99 |
PS4 | Shadow Warrior | $29.99 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Legion Edition | $49.99 | $59.99 |
PS3 | Mirror’s Edge: Pure Time Trials Map Pack | $4.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Need For Speed Most Wanted Ultimate Edition | $39.99 | $59.99 |
Expansões para PS4
Alien IsolationSafe Haven ($7.99)
Assassin’s Creed Unity
Dead Kings (Gratuito)
Redline Expansion Pack ($5.99)
Far Cry 4
Escape from Durgesh Prison ($9.99, Gratuito com o Season Pass)
Guilty Gear Xrd –SIGN-
Character Colors – PlayStation Plus Set (Gratuito para membros do PLayStation Plus)
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
Deus Ex Pack ($1.99)
Hitman Pack ($1.99)
Icy Death Pack ($4.99, Gratuito com o Season Pass)
Legend Pack ($1.99)
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
Arrow Pack ($2.99)
LittleBigPlanet 3
Conteúdo com cross-buy com o PS3
Big Hero 6 Costume Pack ($5.99)
Big Hero 6: Fred Costume ($1.49)
Big Hero 6: Gogo Tomago Costume ($1.49)
Big Hero 6: Hiro Hamada Costume ($1.49)
Big Hero 6: Honey Lemon Costume ($1.49)
Big Hero 6: Wasabi Costume ($1.49)
Garfield and Odie Minipack ($2.99)
Rocksmith 2014
Soundgarden – Black Hole Sun ($2.99)
Soundgarden – Fell on Black Days ($2.99)
Soundgarden – Jesus Christ Pose ($2.99)
Soundgarden – Pretty Noose ($2.99)
Soundgarden – Spoonman ($2.99)
Soundgarden Song Pack ($11.99)
Pinball Arcade
Season Two Pro Pass ($39.99)
Season Two Pro Upgrade ($9.99)
WWE 2K15
New Moves Pack ($3.99)
Expansões para PS3
Alien IsolationSafe Haven ($7.99)
Assassin’s Creed Rogue
Templar Legacy Pack ($6.99)
DC Universe Online
1500 Marketplace Cash with Bonus ($14.99, Disponível apenas para membros do PlayStation Plus)
Far Cry 4
Escape from Durgesh Prison ($9.99, Gratuito com o Season Pass)
Guilty Gear Xrd –SIGN-
Character Colors – PlayStation Plus Set (Gratuito para membros do PlayStation Plus)
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
Arrow Pack ($2.99)
LittleBigPlanet 3
Conteúdo com cross-buy com o PS4
Big Hero 6 Costume Pack ($5.99)
Big Hero 6: Fred Costume ($1.49)
Big Hero 6: Gogo Tomago Costume ($1.49)
Big Hero 6: Hiro Hamada Costume ($1.49)
Big Hero 6: Honey Lemon Costume ($1.49)
Big Hero 6: Wasabi Costume ($1.49)
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Orc Slayer Rune ($0.99)
Monopoly Plus
Monopoly Rabbids ($2.99)
My Monopoly ($9.99)
Rocksmith 2014
Soundgarden – Black Hole Sun ($2.99)
Soundgarden – Fell on Black Days ($2.99)
Soundgarden – Jesus Christ Pose ($2.99)
Soundgarden – Pretty Noose ($2.99)
Soundgarden – Spoonman ($2.99)
Soundgarden Song Pack ($11.99)
WWE 2K15
New Moves Pack ($3.99)
Expansões para PS Vita
Atelier Ayesha Plus: The Alchemist of DuskAlternate BGM Pack ($1.49)
Fat Princess: Piece of Cake
8 Gold Coin Pack ($0.99)
50 Gold Coin Pack ($4.99)
125 Gold Coin Pack ($9.99)
360 Gold Coin Pack ($24.99)
750 Gold Coin Pack ($49.99)
Shake Spears!
10000 Coins Pack (Coin Pack 1) ($1.99)
25000 Coins Pack (Coin Pack 2) ($3.99)
50000 Coins Pack (Coin Pack 3) ($6.99)
100000 Coins Pack (Coin Pack 4) ($11.99)
10 Crystals Pack (Crystals Pack 1) ($1.99)
25 Crystals Pack (Crystals Pack 2) ($3.99)
50 Crystals Pack (Crystals Pack 3) ($6.99)
100 Crystals Pack (Crystals Pack 4) ($11.99)
10000 Gold Bars Pack (Gold Pack 1) ($1.99)
50000 Gold Bars Pack (Gold Pack 2) ($7.99)
250000 Gold Bars Pack (Gold Pack 3) ($29.99)
500 Rubies Pack (Ruby Pack 4) ($49.99)
10 Rubies Pack (Ruby Pack 1) ($1.99)
50 Rubies Pack (Ruby Pack 2) ($7.99)
250 Rubies Pack (Ruby Pack 3) ($29.99)
500 Rubies Pack (Ruby Pack 4) ($49.99)
Temas e Avatares
1002 Agent Anime Avatar ($1.49) (PS3)A Gangster Ronda Avatar ($1.49) (PS3)
A Zombie Girl Avatar ($1.49) (PS3)
Aike Sniper R Avatar ($1.49) (PS3)
Akari Avatar ($1.49) (PS3)
Akie Sniper R Avatar ($1.49) (PS3)
Attack Dog Avatar ($1.99) (PS3)
Baby Rottweiler Avatar ($1.49) (PS3)
Back from the Dead Avatar ($1.99) (PS3)
Big Cat Eye Avatar ($1.99) (PS3)
BL Cat Eye Avatar ($1.49) (PS3)
Cat Crying OR Avatar ($1.49) (PS3)
Cowboy Skull Avatar ($1.99) (PS3)
Cyber Pitbull Avatar ($1.99) (PS3)
Death Dealer SW-Bones ($1.49) (PS3)
Electric Gorilla Avatar ($1.99) (PS3)
Face in the Dark Avatar ($1.99) (PS3)
Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Bedman Avatar ($0.49) (PS3)
Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Elphelt Valentine Avatar ($0.49) (PS3)
Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- I-No Avatar ($0.49) (PS3)
Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Leo Whitefang Avatar ($0.49) (PS3)
Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Ramlethal Valentine Avatar ($0.49) (PS3)
Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Sin Kiske Avatar ($0.49) (PS3)
Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Venom Avatar ($0.49) (PS3)
Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Zato-One Avatar ($0.49) (PS3)
Mercury Rising Skull Avatar ($1.99) (PS3)
Night Vision Avatar ($1.99) (PS3)
Thug Life Avatar ($1.99) (PS3)
Courtnie Quinlan I Theme ($1.49) (PSP)
Emma Glover Theme ($1.49) (PSP)
Helen B Theme ($1.49) (PSP)
Rachael Cordingley Theme ($1.49) (PSP)
Anastasia Bulgakova: Light Dynamic Theme ($2.99) (PS3)
Anastasia Bulgakova: Taro Dynamic Theme ($2.99) (PS3)
Carlos Garijo: Static Series I Theme ($1.99) (PS3)
Matt Demino: Series Iii Static Theme ($1.99) (PS3)
Michael Chang: Silver Blue Dynamic Theme ($2.99) (PS3)
U.S. Marines Corps Dynamic XMB Theme (Gratuito) (PS3)
10 Item Bundled Sale Pack 8 ($3.99) (PS3)
Hazard Avatar Bundle ($3.99) (PS3)
Fonte: PlayStation Blog
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