
Confira os games com grandes descontos na Flash Sale da PSN


Começando hoje e indo até o dia 23/05, a PSN está com mais uma ótima Flash Sale para seus jogadores. Os descontos vão até 85% e entre os títulos em destaque temos Don't Starve, Killzone: Shadow Fall, Outlast e muito mais. Não deixe de acessar a loja online ou via console e aproveite para pegar algum desses games enquanto seus preços estão bem atrativos.

Confira a lista de games logo abaixo:
PS4Arcania – The Complete Tale75%
PS4Beach Buggy Racing75%
PS4Defense Grid 280%
PS4Don’t Starve: Console Edition (Cross Buy)70%
PS4Don’t Starve: Console Edition + Reign Of Giants75%
PS4Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved67%
PS4Grim Fandango Remastered (Cross Buy)70%
PS4Grow Home65%
PS4Hitman Go: Definitive Edition60%
PS4I Am Bread65%
PS4Killzone: Shadow Fall75%
PS4King’S Quest – Chapter 1: A Knight To Remember: King’S Quest – Chapter 2: Rubble Without A Cause61%
PS4Murdered: Soul Suspect85%
PS4Nidhogg (Cross Buy)70%
PS4Pure Pool75%
PS4Riptide Gp275%
PS4Rogue Legacy (Cross Buy para as 3 Plataformas)75%
PS4Sound Shapes (Cross-Buy)60%
PS4Super Mega Baseball (Cross Buy para as 3 Plataformas)75%
PS4Surgeon Simulator: A&E Anniversary Edition80%
PS4Tetris Ultimate65%
PS4The Banner Saga75%
PS4The Castle Game70%
PS4The Golf Club85%
PS4The Jackbox Party Pack80%
PS4The Jackbox Party Pack 280%
PS4The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season80%
PS4The Wolf Among Us80%
PS4Thief – Digital Bundle85%
PS4Trivial Pursuit Live!67%
PS3Borderlands – Digital75%
PS3Borderlands 275%
PS3Dead Island Riptide – Complete Edition75%
PS3Dragon Ball Z: Battle Of Z85%
PS3Ducktales Remastered70%
PS3Duke Nukem Forever80%
PS3Far Cry 375%
PS3Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved67%
PS3Hitman Blood Money75%
PS3Hitman Trilogy (Jogo Completo PS3 – D&D) (Game Bundle)90%
PS3Hitman: Absolution: Hitman Absolution Special Edition (Digital Fg Bundle)80%
PS3I Am Alive Demo (Trial + Upgrade)80%
PS3Journey Demo – (Trial)70%
PS3Just Cause 2: Just Cause 2 Ultimate Edition85%
PS3Just Cause 280%
PS3King’S Quest – Chapter 1: A Knight To Remember (Ps3): King’S Quest – Chapter 2: Rubble Without A Cause61%
PS3L.A. Noire85%
PS3Manhunt (Clássico do PS2)60%
PS3Max Payne 3 (D&D)80%
PS3Max Payne (Clássico do PS2)60%
PS3Midnight Club Los Angeles: Complete Edition – Digital80%
PS3MX Vs ATV: Alive – Digital85%
PS3MX Vs. ATV Supercross85%
PS3Okami HD65%
PS3Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale75%
PS3Red Dead Redemption85%
PS3Rogue Legacy (Cross Buy para as 3 Plataformas)75%
PS3Saints Row: The Third75%
PS3Sniper Elite V285%
PS3Super Mega Baseball (Cross Buy para as 3 Plataformas)75%
PS3The Bureau: Xcom Declassified80%
PS3The Darkness II90%
PS3The Jackbox Party Pack80%
PS3The Jackbox Party Pack 280%
PS3The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season75%
PS3Tom Clancy’S Splinter Cell Blacklist75%
PS3Tomb Raider Digital Edition75%
PS3Twisted Metal: Black (Clássico de PS2)60%
PS3Littlebigplanet 270%
PS3Littlebigplanet Karting70%
PS3Sound Shapes60%
PS VitaDon’t Starve: Giant Edition (Cross Buy)70%
PS VitaEntwined60%
PS VitaFreedom Wars70%
PS VitaGeometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved67%
PS VitaGrim Fandango Remastered (Cross Buy)70%
PS VitaHitman Go: Definitive Edition60%
PS VitaNidhogg (Cross Buy)70%
PS VitaPlaystation All-Stars Battle Royale Ps Vita70%
PS VitaRogue Legacy (Cross Buy para as 3 Plataformas)75%
PS VitaTerraria70%
PS VitaTetris Ultimate67%
PS VitaThe Walking Dead: The Complete First Season75%
PS VitaKillzone: Mercenary75%
PS VitaSound Shapes60%
PSPManhunt 270%
PSPMidnight Club: L.A. Remix80%
PSPMonster Hunter Freedom Unite75%
PSPNba 2K1375%
PSPShin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable75%
PSPTekken 6 Digital70%
PSPWarriors The70%

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