
Atualização da PS Store: Grim Fandango, Life Is Strange e Dying Light são destaques

Esta semana, Warner Bros. e Square Enix nos agraciam com novas propriedades intelectuais — o aterrorizante Dying Light e o filosófico Life is Strange, ambos com propostas interessantes para dois dos gêneros mais amados da indústria. Já os jogadores de velha guarda certamente ficarão felizes com o relançamento de Grim Fandango, uma das últimas obras-primas da LucasArts. No Vita, RPGs japoneses e títulos indies continuam a roubar a cena. Além disso, vários descontos e promoções.

Todos os preços estão em dólar americano

PlayStation 4

Dying Light ($59.99) | Dying Light Ultimate Edition ($79.99)
Dying Light é um surival horror open-world em primeira pessoa, ambientado num mundo vasto — e perigoso. Percorra uma cidade devastada por uma misteriosa epidemia, procurando por suprimentos e ferramentas para vencer a horda de zumbis sedentos por carne humana. Tenha cuidado redobrado à noite, quando os Infectados ficam ainda mais fortes. Boa noite e boa sorte.

Grim Fandango ($14.99, Cross Buy com o PS Vita)
Considerada uma das melhores aventuras gráficas da história, este clássico cult finalmente será acessível para a população em geral, mais de 17 anos depois de seu lançamento. Feito por ninguém menos do que Tim Schafer (de The Secret of Monkey Island e Psychonauts), o jogo é considerado uma das últimas obras-primas da LucasArts.

Life is Strange Episode 1 (Disponível Sexta-feira, 1/30) ($4.99)
Primeira parte de cinco da nova aventura gráfica da Square Enix. Suas decisões afetam a história — de mais de uma forma. Max, a protagonista do jogo, pode voltar no tempo, alterando passado, presente e futuro de formas inesperadas. Logo ela aprende que mudar o passado pode criar futuros devastadores.

Madden NFL 15 Super Bowl Edition ($23.99)
Está versão especial de Madden NFL 15 vem junto com o pacote Ultimate Team, incluindo 10 Pro Packs e um Super Bowl Pack.

PlayStation 3

Também foram lançados para PS3:
  • Life is Strange Episode 1 (Disponível Sexta-feira, 1/30) $4.99
  • Madden NFL 15 Super Bowl Edition ($23.99)

PlayStation Vita

Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth2 ($39.99)
Um remake do RPG japonês cheio de meta-humor e quebras da quarta parede Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 (PS3), com novos personagens, um novo sistema de batalha e funcionalidades inéditas. Neste jogo, você controla personagens conhecidas como CPU Candidates — irmãs mais novas de CPUs, que protegem o mundo. Com ataques exagerados, poderosas transformações e muito mais, as Canditates estarão um passo mais próximas de salvarem Gamindustri!

Nihilumbra ($9.99)
Neste jogo de plataforma independente atmosférico e artístico, você controla Born, enquanto explora o fantástico mundo de Nihilumbra tentando fugir de uma maldição inevitável. Born foi criado pelo The Void e é capaz de usar as cores ao seu redor para ganhar poderes e habilidades. Somente dominando-as e transformando o mundo ao seu redor, ele pode voltar ao vazio escuro de onde veio.


Evolve (PS4) ($59.99)
Dos mesmos criadores de Left 4 Dead, Dying Light é um shooter multiplayer competitivo e cooperativo. Você pode assumir o papel de um esquadrão especial de quatro soldados na luta contra monstros gigantescos... Ou controlar o monstro em questão, tentando ficar poderoso o suficiente para matar o seus amigos.

Descontos finalizando em 03/02

The Swapper PS4
The Swapper PS3
The Swapper PS Vita
InFAMOUS First Light
Prototype 2
Ducktales: Remastered
Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition PS3
Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition PS Vita
Woah Dave!
Splice PS4
Splice PS3
Citizens of Earth PS4
Citizens of Earth PS Vita


Plataforma Título Preço Plus Preço Promocional Preço Original
PS4 Battlefield 4 N/A $13.99 $39.99
PS4 Battlefield 4 Premium Edition N/A $23.99 $49.99
PS4 Battlefield 4 Premium Service (Season Pass) N/A $19.99 $59.99
PS4 EA Sports UFC N/A $23.99 $39.99
PS4 FIFA 15 N/A $29.99 $59.99
PS4 NBA Live 15 N/A $14.99 $59.99
PS4 Need for Speed Rivals Complete Edition N/A $14.99 $59.99
PS4 NHL 15 N/A $23.99 $59.99
PS4 Peggle 2 N/A $3.99 $11.99
PS4 Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare N/A $9.99 $29.99
PS4 The Evil Within N/A $29.99 $59.99
PS4 Wolfenstein: The New Order N/A $29.99 $59.99
PS3 Ace Combat Infinity Stocked Fuel (10 Units + 1 Free Unit) N/A $7.49 $8.99
PS3 Ace Combat Infinity Stocked Fuel (50 Units + 10 Free Units) N/A $35.99 $44.99
PS3 Bulletstorm N/A $4.99 $19.99
PS3 Crysis 2 N/A $3.99 $19.99
PS3 Crysis 3 N/A $3.99 $19.99
PS3 Dishonored The Brigmore Witches N/A $6.49 $4.99
PS3 Dishonored Void Walker’s Arsenal N/A $2.99 $9.99
PS3 Dishonored: Dunwall City Trials N/A $3.49 $9.99
PS3 Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall N/A $6.49 $3.99
PS3 Doom 3 BFG Edition N/A $9.99 $19.99
PS3 Doom Classic Collection N/A $7.49 $14.99
PS3 Dragon Age II N/A $3.99 $19.99
PS3 Dragon Age II: Legacy N/A $4.99 $9.99
PS3 Dragon Age II: Mark Of The Assassin N/A $4.99 $9.99
PS3 Dragon Age II: The Exiled Prince N/A $3.49 $6.99
PS3 Dragon Age: Origins: Awakening N/A $4.99 $19.99
PS3 Dragon Age: Origins: Leliana’s Song N/A $3.49 $6.99
PS3 Dragon Age: Origins: Return to Ostagar N/A $2.49 $4.99
PS3 Dragon Age: Origins: The Darkspawn Chronicles N/A $2.49 $4.99
PS3 Dragon Age: Origins: The Golems of Amgarrak N/A $2.49 $4.99
PS3 Dragon Age: Origins: Warden’s Keep N/A $3.49 $6.99
PS3 Dragon Age: Origins: Witch Hunt N/A $3.49 $6.99
PS3 Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: Shivering Isles N/A $6.49 $9.99
PS3 Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Dawnguard N/A $13.49 $19.99
PS3 Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Dragonborn N/A $13.49 $19.99
PS3 Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Hearthfire N/A $3.49 $4.99
PS3 Fallout 3: Broken Steel N/A $3.49 $4.99
PS3 Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta N/A $3.49 $4.99
PS3 Fallout 3: Operation: Anchorage N/A $3.49 $4.99
PS3 Fallout 3: Point Lookout N/A $3.49 $4.99
PS3 Fallout 3: The Pitt N/A $3.49 $4.99
PS3 Fallout: New Vegas Courier’s Stash N/A $1.49 $1.99
PS3 Fallout: New Vegas Dead Money N/A $6.49 $9.99
PS3 Fallout: New Vegas Gun Runners’ Arsenal N/A $2.99 $3.99
PS3 Fallout: New Vegas Honest Hearts N/A $6.49 $9.99
PS3 Fallout: New Vegas Lonesome Road N/A $6.49 $9.99
PS3 Fallout: New Vegas Old World Blues N/A $6.49 $9.99
PS3 FIFA 15 N/A $29.99 $59.99
PS3 Fight Night Champion N/A $3.99 $19.99
PS3 Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning N/A $3.99 $19.99
PS3 Mirror’s Edge N/A $3.99 $14.99
PS3 NCAA Football 14 N/A $7.49 $29.99
PS3 Need for Speed: Most Wanted N/A $3.99 $19.99
PS3 NFL Blitz N/A $3.99 $14.99
PS3 NHL 15 N/A $23.99 $59.99
PS3 Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare N/A $9.99 $39.99
PS3 Rage: The Scorchers N/A $3.49 $4.99
PS3 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows N/A $6.00 $14.99
PS3 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze N/A $16.00 $39.99
PS3 The Evil Within N/A $29.99 $59.99
PS3 Wolfenstein 3D N/A $2.49 $4.99
PS3 Wolfenstein: The New Order N/A $29.99 $59.99
PS Vita My Singing Monsters – Boatload of Money $25.00 N/A $49.99
PS Vita My Singing Monsters – Bowl of Goodies $0.50 N/A $0.99
PS Vita My Singing Monsters – Bucket of Diamonds $2.50 N/A $4.99
PS Vita My Singing Monsters – Cart of Diamonds $12.50 N/A $24.99
PS Vita My Singing Monsters – Coin Purse $0.50 N/A $0.99
PS Vita My Singing Monsters – Crate of Coins $2.50 N/A $4.99
PS Vita My Singing Monsters – Cup of Diamonds $1.00 N/A $1.99
PS Vita My Singing Monsters – Diamond Dumpster $25.00 N/A $49.99
PS Vita My Singing Monsters – Drum of Dough $5.00 N/A $9.99
PS Vita My Singing Monsters – Kegs of Cash $12.50 N/A $24.99
PS Vita My Singing Monsters – Mountain of Munchies $25.00 N/A $49.99
PS Vita My Singing Monsters – Picnic Basket $1.00 N/A $1.99
PS Vita My Singing Monsters – Piggy Bank $1.00 N/A $1.99
PS Vita My Singing Monsters – Slop Trough $2.50 N/A $4.99
PS Vita My Singing Monsters – Treasure Chest $5.00 N/A $9.99
PS Vita My Singing Monsters – Tub o’ Grub $12.50 N/A $24.99
PS Vita My Singing Monsters – Vault of Diamonds $50.00 N/A $99.99
PS Vita My Singing Monsters – Wagon of Chow $5.00 N/A $9.99

Mudanças de preço

Plataforma Título Novo Preço Preço Original
PS3 Planets Under Attack $7.99 $14.99
PS Vita Ys: Memories of Celceta $19.99 $29.99

Expansões para PS4

Apex Livery Pack ($0.99)
Icona Vulcano (Free)
Sakura Livery Pack ($0.99)
Sakura Tour Pack ($1.99)
Apex Expansion Pack ($5.99)

Dying Light
Season Pass ($19.99)

Far Cry 4
Hurk Deluxe Pack ($7.49, Gratuito com o Season Pass)

LittleBigPlanet 3
Conteúdo com Cross Buy com o PS3

Bigfoot Costume ($0.99)
Cryptozoologist Costume ($0.99)
Littlefoot Costume ($0.99)
Mothman Costume ($0.99)
Sock Ness Monster Costume ($0.99)

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Blood Hunters Warband ($1.99)
Dark Ranger Character Skin ($0.99)

Rocksmith 2014
Three Days Grace – Animal I Have Become ($2.99)
Three Days Grace – Break ($2.99)
Three Days Grace – Just Like You ($2.99)
Three Days Grace – Never Too Late ($2.99)
Three Days Grace – Riot ($2.99)
Three Days Grace Song Pack ($11.99)

The Crew
Street Edition Pack ($6.99)

Trials Fusion
Fire in the Deep ($4.99)

Expansões para PS3

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
Lady Hammerlock Pack ($9.99)

Far Cry 4
Hurk Deluxe Pack ($7.49, Gratuito com o Season Pass)

LittleBigPlanet 3
Conteúdo com Cross Buy com o PS4

Bigfoot Costume ($0.99)
Cryptozoologist Costume ($0.99)
Littlefoot Costume ($0.99)
Mothman Costume ($0.99)
Sock Ness Monster Costume ($0.99)

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Blood Hunters Warband ($1.99)
Dark Ranger Character Skin ($0.99)

Rocksmith 2014
Three Days Grace – Animal I Have Become ($2.99)
Three Days Grace – Break ($2.99)
Three Days Grace – Just Like You ($2.99)
Three Days Grace – Never Too Late ($2.99)
Three Days Grace – Riot ($2.99)
Three Days Grace Song Pack ($11.99)

Temas e Avatares

Plataforma Título Preço
PS4 Alien Theme $2.99
PS4 Assassin Girl Theme $2.99
PS4 Attack Theme $2.99
PS4 Cat Eyes Blue Avatar $1.99
PS4 Chrome Skull Theme $2.99
PS4 Crocodilian Eye Theme $2.99
PS4 Dancing Silhouette Theme $1.99
PS4 Desert Trooper Theme $2.99
PS4 Elaine Luo: Fighter Fish Dynamic Theme $2.99
PS4 Face In The Dark Theme $2.99
PS4 Hoodie Attack Theme $2.99
PS4 Man’s Best Friend Theme $2.99
PS4 Mercury Rising Skull Theme $2.99
PS4 Panther Theme $2.99
PS3 Michael Chang: Dragon Kingdom Dynamic Theme $2.99
PS3 Sixth Leaf Clover: Order and Chaos Dynamic Theme $2.99
PS3 Abstract City Globe Dynamic Theme $2.99
PS3 Abstract Magnificent Globe Dynamic Theme $2.99
PS3 Ana Maria Cochina: Monreve Dynamic Theme $2.99
PS3 Calculating Dynamic Theme $2.99
PS3 Digital Living Jellyfish Dynamic Theme $2.99
PS3 Extraordinary Colors Dynamic Theme $2.99
PS3 Web Tunnel Dynamic Theme $2.99
PS3 Arsenal Football Club Stadium Dynamic Theme $2.99
PS3 Ilya Kuvshinov: I Scream Dynamic Theme $2.99
PS3 NHL: Anaheim Ducks Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Boston Bruins Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Buffalo Sabres Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Calgary Flames Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Carolina Hurricanes Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Chicago Blackhawks Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Colorado Avalanche Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Columbus Blue Jackets Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Dallas Stars Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Detroit Red Wings Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Edmonton Oilers Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Florida Panthers Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Los Angeles Kings Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Minnesota Wild Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Montreal Canadiens Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Nashville Predators Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: New Jersey Devils Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: New York Islanders Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: New York Rangers Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Ottawa Senators Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Philadelphia Flyers Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Pittsburgh Penguins Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: San Jose Sharks Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: St. Louis Blues Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Tampa Bay Lightning Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Toronto Maple Leafs Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Vancouver Canucks Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Washington Capitals Home Ice Static Theme $1.99
PS3 NHL: Winnipeg Jets Home Ice Static Theme $1.99

Capa: Daniel Silva

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