Todos os preços estão em dólar americano
PlayStation 4 | PlayStation 3 | PlayStation Vita | Pré-Vendas | Descontos | Promoções | Mudanças de preço | Expansões para PS4 | Expansões para PS3 | Temas e Avatares
PlayStation 4
Dying Light ($59.99) | Dying Light Ultimate Edition ($79.99)Dying Light é um surival horror open-world em primeira pessoa, ambientado num mundo vasto — e perigoso. Percorra uma cidade devastada por uma misteriosa epidemia, procurando por suprimentos e ferramentas para vencer a horda de zumbis sedentos por carne humana. Tenha cuidado redobrado à noite, quando os Infectados ficam ainda mais fortes. Boa noite e boa sorte.
Grim Fandango ($14.99, Cross Buy com o PS Vita)
Considerada uma das melhores aventuras gráficas da história, este clássico cult finalmente será acessível para a população em geral, mais de 17 anos depois de seu lançamento. Feito por ninguém menos do que Tim Schafer (de The Secret of Monkey Island e Psychonauts), o jogo é considerado uma das últimas obras-primas da LucasArts.
Life is Strange Episode 1 (Disponível Sexta-feira, 1/30) ($4.99)
Primeira parte de cinco da nova aventura gráfica da Square Enix. Suas decisões afetam a história — de mais de uma forma. Max, a protagonista do jogo, pode voltar no tempo, alterando passado, presente e futuro de formas inesperadas. Logo ela aprende que mudar o passado pode criar futuros devastadores.
Madden NFL 15 Super Bowl Edition ($23.99)
Está versão especial de Madden NFL 15 vem junto com o pacote Ultimate Team, incluindo 10 Pro Packs e um Super Bowl Pack.
PlayStation 3
Também foram lançados para PS3:- Life is Strange Episode 1 (Disponível Sexta-feira, 1/30) $4.99
- Madden NFL 15 Super Bowl Edition ($23.99)
PlayStation Vita
Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth2 ($39.99)Um remake do RPG japonês cheio de meta-humor e quebras da quarta parede Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 (PS3), com novos personagens, um novo sistema de batalha e funcionalidades inéditas. Neste jogo, você controla personagens conhecidas como CPU Candidates — irmãs mais novas de CPUs, que protegem o mundo. Com ataques exagerados, poderosas transformações e muito mais, as Canditates estarão um passo mais próximas de salvarem Gamindustri!
Nihilumbra ($9.99)
Neste jogo de plataforma independente atmosférico e artístico, você controla Born, enquanto explora o fantástico mundo de Nihilumbra tentando fugir de uma maldição inevitável. Born foi criado pelo The Void e é capaz de usar as cores ao seu redor para ganhar poderes e habilidades. Somente dominando-as e transformando o mundo ao seu redor, ele pode voltar ao vazio escuro de onde veio.
Evolve (PS4) ($59.99)Dos mesmos criadores de Left 4 Dead, Dying Light é um shooter multiplayer competitivo e cooperativo. Você pode assumir o papel de um esquadrão especial de quatro soldados na luta contra monstros gigantescos... Ou controlar o monstro em questão, tentando ficar poderoso o suficiente para matar o seus amigos.
Descontos finalizando em 03/02
The Swapper PS4 |
The Swapper PS3 |
The Swapper PS Vita |
InFAMOUS First Light |
Prototype 2 |
Ducktales: Remastered |
Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition PS3 |
Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition PS Vita |
Woah Dave! |
Splice PS4 |
Splice PS3 |
Citizens of Earth PS4 |
Citizens of Earth PS Vita |
Plataforma | Título | Preço Plus | Preço Promocional | Preço Original |
PS4 | Battlefield 4 | N/A | $13.99 | $39.99 |
PS4 | Battlefield 4 Premium Edition | N/A | $23.99 | $49.99 |
PS4 | Battlefield 4 Premium Service (Season Pass) | N/A | $19.99 | $59.99 |
PS4 | EA Sports UFC | N/A | $23.99 | $39.99 |
PS4 | FIFA 15 | N/A | $29.99 | $59.99 |
PS4 | NBA Live 15 | N/A | $14.99 | $59.99 |
PS4 | Need for Speed Rivals Complete Edition | N/A | $14.99 | $59.99 |
PS4 | NHL 15 | N/A | $23.99 | $59.99 |
PS4 | Peggle 2 | N/A | $3.99 | $11.99 |
PS4 | Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare | N/A | $9.99 | $29.99 |
PS4 | The Evil Within | N/A | $29.99 | $59.99 |
PS4 | Wolfenstein: The New Order | N/A | $29.99 | $59.99 |
PS3 | Ace Combat Infinity Stocked Fuel (10 Units + 1 Free Unit) | N/A | $7.49 | $8.99 |
PS3 | Ace Combat Infinity Stocked Fuel (50 Units + 10 Free Units) | N/A | $35.99 | $44.99 |
PS3 | Bulletstorm | N/A | $4.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Crysis 2 | N/A | $3.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Crysis 3 | N/A | $3.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Dishonored The Brigmore Witches | N/A | $6.49 | $4.99 |
PS3 | Dishonored Void Walker’s Arsenal | N/A | $2.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Dishonored: Dunwall City Trials | N/A | $3.49 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall | N/A | $6.49 | $3.99 |
PS3 | Doom 3 BFG Edition | N/A | $9.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Doom Classic Collection | N/A | $7.49 | $14.99 |
PS3 | Dragon Age II | N/A | $3.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Dragon Age II: Legacy | N/A | $4.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Dragon Age II: Mark Of The Assassin | N/A | $4.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Dragon Age II: The Exiled Prince | N/A | $3.49 | $6.99 |
PS3 | Dragon Age: Origins: Awakening | N/A | $4.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Dragon Age: Origins: Leliana’s Song | N/A | $3.49 | $6.99 |
PS3 | Dragon Age: Origins: Return to Ostagar | N/A | $2.49 | $4.99 |
PS3 | Dragon Age: Origins: The Darkspawn Chronicles | N/A | $2.49 | $4.99 |
PS3 | Dragon Age: Origins: The Golems of Amgarrak | N/A | $2.49 | $4.99 |
PS3 | Dragon Age: Origins: Warden’s Keep | N/A | $3.49 | $6.99 |
PS3 | Dragon Age: Origins: Witch Hunt | N/A | $3.49 | $6.99 |
PS3 | Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: Shivering Isles | N/A | $6.49 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Dawnguard | N/A | $13.49 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Dragonborn | N/A | $13.49 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Hearthfire | N/A | $3.49 | $4.99 |
PS3 | Fallout 3: Broken Steel | N/A | $3.49 | $4.99 |
PS3 | Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta | N/A | $3.49 | $4.99 |
PS3 | Fallout 3: Operation: Anchorage | N/A | $3.49 | $4.99 |
PS3 | Fallout 3: Point Lookout | N/A | $3.49 | $4.99 |
PS3 | Fallout 3: The Pitt | N/A | $3.49 | $4.99 |
PS3 | Fallout: New Vegas Courier’s Stash | N/A | $1.49 | $1.99 |
PS3 | Fallout: New Vegas Dead Money | N/A | $6.49 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Fallout: New Vegas Gun Runners’ Arsenal | N/A | $2.99 | $3.99 |
PS3 | Fallout: New Vegas Honest Hearts | N/A | $6.49 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Fallout: New Vegas Lonesome Road | N/A | $6.49 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Fallout: New Vegas Old World Blues | N/A | $6.49 | $9.99 |
PS3 | FIFA 15 | N/A | $29.99 | $59.99 |
PS3 | Fight Night Champion | N/A | $3.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning | N/A | $3.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Mirror’s Edge | N/A | $3.99 | $14.99 |
PS3 | NCAA Football 14 | N/A | $7.49 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Need for Speed: Most Wanted | N/A | $3.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | NFL Blitz | N/A | $3.99 | $14.99 |
PS3 | NHL 15 | N/A | $23.99 | $59.99 |
PS3 | Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare | N/A | $9.99 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Rage: The Scorchers | N/A | $3.49 | $4.99 |
PS3 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows | N/A | $6.00 | $14.99 |
PS3 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze | N/A | $16.00 | $39.99 |
PS3 | The Evil Within | N/A | $29.99 | $59.99 |
PS3 | Wolfenstein 3D | N/A | $2.49 | $4.99 |
PS3 | Wolfenstein: The New Order | N/A | $29.99 | $59.99 |
PS Vita | My Singing Monsters – Boatload of Money | $25.00 | N/A | $49.99 |
PS Vita | My Singing Monsters – Bowl of Goodies | $0.50 | N/A | $0.99 |
PS Vita | My Singing Monsters – Bucket of Diamonds | $2.50 | N/A | $4.99 |
PS Vita | My Singing Monsters – Cart of Diamonds | $12.50 | N/A | $24.99 |
PS Vita | My Singing Monsters – Coin Purse | $0.50 | N/A | $0.99 |
PS Vita | My Singing Monsters – Crate of Coins | $2.50 | N/A | $4.99 |
PS Vita | My Singing Monsters – Cup of Diamonds | $1.00 | N/A | $1.99 |
PS Vita | My Singing Monsters – Diamond Dumpster | $25.00 | N/A | $49.99 |
PS Vita | My Singing Monsters – Drum of Dough | $5.00 | N/A | $9.99 |
PS Vita | My Singing Monsters – Kegs of Cash | $12.50 | N/A | $24.99 |
PS Vita | My Singing Monsters – Mountain of Munchies | $25.00 | N/A | $49.99 |
PS Vita | My Singing Monsters – Picnic Basket | $1.00 | N/A | $1.99 |
PS Vita | My Singing Monsters – Piggy Bank | $1.00 | N/A | $1.99 |
PS Vita | My Singing Monsters – Slop Trough | $2.50 | N/A | $4.99 |
PS Vita | My Singing Monsters – Treasure Chest | $5.00 | N/A | $9.99 |
PS Vita | My Singing Monsters – Tub o’ Grub | $12.50 | N/A | $24.99 |
PS Vita | My Singing Monsters – Vault of Diamonds | $50.00 | N/A | $99.99 |
PS Vita | My Singing Monsters – Wagon of Chow | $5.00 | N/A | $9.99 |
Mudanças de preço
Plataforma | Título | Novo Preço | Preço Original |
PS3 | Planets Under Attack | $7.99 | $14.99 |
PS Vita | Ys: Memories of Celceta | $19.99 | $29.99 |
Expansões para PS4
DRIVECLUBApex Livery Pack ($0.99)
Icona Vulcano (Free)
Sakura Livery Pack ($0.99)
Sakura Tour Pack ($1.99)
Apex Expansion Pack ($5.99)
Dying Light
Season Pass ($19.99)
Far Cry 4
Hurk Deluxe Pack ($7.49, Gratuito com o Season Pass)
LittleBigPlanet 3
Conteúdo com Cross Buy com o PS3
Bigfoot Costume ($0.99)
Cryptozoologist Costume ($0.99)
Littlefoot Costume ($0.99)
Mothman Costume ($0.99)
Sock Ness Monster Costume ($0.99)
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Blood Hunters Warband ($1.99)
Dark Ranger Character Skin ($0.99)
Rocksmith 2014
Three Days Grace – Animal I Have Become ($2.99)
Three Days Grace – Break ($2.99)
Three Days Grace – Just Like You ($2.99)
Three Days Grace – Never Too Late ($2.99)
Three Days Grace – Riot ($2.99)
Three Days Grace Song Pack ($11.99)
The Crew
Street Edition Pack ($6.99)
Trials Fusion
Fire in the Deep ($4.99)
Expansões para PS3
Borderlands: The Pre-SequelLady Hammerlock Pack ($9.99)
Far Cry 4
Hurk Deluxe Pack ($7.49, Gratuito com o Season Pass)
LittleBigPlanet 3
Conteúdo com Cross Buy com o PS4
Bigfoot Costume ($0.99)
Cryptozoologist Costume ($0.99)
Littlefoot Costume ($0.99)
Mothman Costume ($0.99)
Sock Ness Monster Costume ($0.99)
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Blood Hunters Warband ($1.99)
Dark Ranger Character Skin ($0.99)
Rocksmith 2014
Three Days Grace – Animal I Have Become ($2.99)
Three Days Grace – Break ($2.99)
Three Days Grace – Just Like You ($2.99)
Three Days Grace – Never Too Late ($2.99)
Three Days Grace – Riot ($2.99)
Three Days Grace Song Pack ($11.99)
Temas e Avatares
Plataforma | Título | Preço |
PS4 | Alien Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Assassin Girl Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Attack Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Cat Eyes Blue Avatar | $1.99 |
PS4 | Chrome Skull Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Crocodilian Eye Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Dancing Silhouette Theme | $1.99 |
PS4 | Desert Trooper Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Elaine Luo: Fighter Fish Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Face In The Dark Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Hoodie Attack Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Man’s Best Friend Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Mercury Rising Skull Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Panther Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Michael Chang: Dragon Kingdom Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Sixth Leaf Clover: Order and Chaos Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Abstract City Globe Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Abstract Magnificent Globe Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Ana Maria Cochina: Monreve Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Calculating Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Digital Living Jellyfish Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Extraordinary Colors Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Web Tunnel Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Arsenal Football Club Stadium Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Ilya Kuvshinov: I Scream Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Anaheim Ducks Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Boston Bruins Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Buffalo Sabres Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Calgary Flames Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Carolina Hurricanes Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Chicago Blackhawks Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Colorado Avalanche Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Columbus Blue Jackets Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Dallas Stars Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Detroit Red Wings Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Edmonton Oilers Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Florida Panthers Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Los Angeles Kings Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Minnesota Wild Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Montreal Canadiens Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Nashville Predators Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: New Jersey Devils Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: New York Islanders Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: New York Rangers Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Ottawa Senators Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Philadelphia Flyers Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Pittsburgh Penguins Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: San Jose Sharks Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: St. Louis Blues Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Tampa Bay Lightning Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Toronto Maple Leafs Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Vancouver Canucks Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Washington Capitals Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | NHL: Winnipeg Jets Home Ice Static Theme | $1.99 |
Fonte: PlayStation Blog
Capa: Daniel Silva
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