Todos os preços estão em dólar americano.
PlayStation 4 | PlayStation 3 | PlayStation Vita | Descontos | Promoções | Mudanças de preço | Expansões para PS4 | Expansões para PS3 | Expansões para PS Vita | Temas e Avatares
PlayStation 4
Citizens of Earth ($14.99)Você acaba de virar o Vice Presidente do Mundo... e agora? Recrute amigos, familiares, todos ao redor do mundo para participar de sua equipe e lutar por você! Neste RPG retrô ambientado no mundo moderno, sua missão é salvar o mundo, custe o que custar. Não pergunte o que você pode fazer pelos seus cidadãos... pergunte o que eles podem fazer por você!
Ironclad Tactics ($14.99)
Ironclad Tactics é um jogo de táticas baseado em cartas frenético e rápido, ambientado numa versão alternativa da Guerra Civil Americana — com robôs militares movidos à vapor! Sem qualquer forma de micro-transações (você destrava as cartas jogando, não comprando separadamente), o jogo já vem com dois add-ons e tem modos cooperativos e competivos para você jogar com os amigos.
Motorcycle Club ($59.99)
Monte 22 motocicletas com as licenças oficiais da BMW, Honda, Kawasaki, KTM, Suzuki e Yamaha. De 125 a 2000 cilindradas, encontre todas as grandes motos, reproduzidas fielmente com 3 formas de se jogar: Superbike, Roadster e Custom. Pegue a estrada no modo Tournament e supere mais de 40 desafios de habilidade e 20 diferentes circuitos.
Resident Evil ($19.99)
Um dos melhores remakes da história, atualizado para a nova geração com lindos gráficos em alta definição. A oportunidade perfeita para jogar o clássico que definiu o gênero de sobrevivência ao horror e entender porque mesmo depois de quase 20 anos ainda é considerado um dos melhores.
Saints Row Gat Out of Hell ($19.99)
Nesta expansão de Saints Row IV lançada como um jogo avulso, você pode jogar como Johnny Gat ou Kinzie... e socar o diabo na cara. Afinal, depois da loucura que foi o Saints Row IV, não restava muito o que fazer, não é? Então transforme o inferno num inferno enquanto luta contra figuras históricas, antigos inimigos e armas falantes.
Saints Row IV Re-Elected ($29.99)
Relançamento de Saints Row IV para a nova geração. Além do jogo principal, vem com os dois DLCs de missões, mais de 25 DLCs de armas, 15 novos veículos, 60 novas peças de roupas e 6 novos superpoderes elementais.
Splice ($14.99, Cross Buy com o PS3)
Splice é um quebra-cabeça artístico em que a exploração e experimentação são a chave. Rearrange pedaços de células e as recombine para tentar criar as formas moleculares necessárias, enquanto descobre as regras desse mundo microscópico. São um total de 77 desafios, divididos em 11 sequências.
Saints Row IV Re-Elected & Gat Out of Hell ($49.99)
Pacote especial com a versão atualizada para nova para nova geração de Saints Row IV, já incluindo a nova expansão Gat out of Hell.
PlayStation 3
Best of Arcade Games (Gratuito)Brick Breaker, Tetraminos, Bubble Buster and Air Hockey: redescubra estes 4 clássicos imortais com este pacote especial! Experimente as versões atualizadas desses clássicos, ideais tanto para novatos quanto experts! Tome controle direto da bola em Brick Breaker, organize suas peças cuidadosamente em Tetraminos, resolva vários quebra-cabeças em Bubble Buster e teste seus reflexos com Air Hockey!
Também foram lançados para PS3:
- Motorcycle Club ($49.99)
- Resident Evil ($19.99)
- Saints Row Gat Out of Hell ($19.99)
- Splice ($14.99, Cross Buy with PS4)
PlayStation Vita
Também foram lançados para PS Vita:- Best of Arcade Games (Gratuito)
- Citizens of Earth ($14.99)
Descontos finalizando em 27 de janeiro
Ironclad Tactics |
Joe Danger 2: The Movie |
Plataforma | Título | Preço da Plus | Preço Promocional | Preço Original |
PS4 | Citizens of Earth | $11.99 | N/A | $14.99 |
PS4 | Daylight | N/A | $7.99 | $14.99 |
PS4 | Ironclad Tactics | $11.99 | N/A | $14.99 |
PS4 | Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Legion Edition | N/A | $49.99 | $59.99 |
PS4 | Murdered: Soul Suspect | N/A | $17.99 | $49.99 |
PS4 | Shadow Warrior | N/A | $29.99 | $39.99 |
PS4 | Splice (Cross Buy with PS3) | $11.99 | N/A | $14.99 |
PS4 | Switch Galaxy Ultra | $17.09 | N/A | $18.99 |
PS4 | The Crew – Platinum Crew Credit Pack | N/A | $39.99 | $49.99 |
PS4 | Thief | N/A | $17.99 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Abyss Odyssey | N/A | $9.99 | $14.99 |
PS3 | Bioshock | N/A | $4.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Bioshock 2 | N/A | $4.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Bioshock Infinite | N/A | $9.99 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Bioshock Infinite: Burial At Sea – Episode 1 | N/A | $7.49 | $10.49 |
PS3 | Bioshock Infinite: Burial At Sea – Episode 2 | N/A | $7.49 | $14.99 |
PS3 | Bioshock Infinite Columbia’s Finest Pack | N/A | $2.49 | $4.99 |
PS3 | Bioshock Infinite: Clash in the Clouds | N/A | $2.49 | $4.99 |
PS3 | Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (PSone Classic) | N/A | $1.99 | $5.99 |
PS3 | Borderlands 2 | N/A | $9.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Borderlands 2 Season Pass | N/A | $14.99 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel | N/A | $29.99 | $59.99 |
PS3 | Crystal Defenders | N/A | $4.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Dead Space 3 Ultimate Edition | N/A | $29.99 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut | N/A | $5.99 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (PS2 Classic) | N/A | $6.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Drakengard 3 | N/A | $19.99 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Duke Nukem Forever | N/A | $3.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Dust 514: Veteran Pack | N/A | $24.99 | $49.99 |
PS3 | Elevator Action Deluxe | N/A | $4.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Final Fantasy XIII-2 | N/A | $9.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Final Fantasy Origins (PSone Classic) | N/A | $4.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Final Fantasy V (PSone Classic) | N/A | $4.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Final Fantasy VI (PSone Classic) | N/A | $4.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Front Mission 3 (PSone Classic) | N/A | $2.99 | $5.99 |
PS3 | Gex (PSone Classic) | N/A | $2.49 | $5.99 |
PS3 | Gex: Enter the Gecko (PSone Classic) | N/A | $1.99 | $5.99 |
PS3 | God Mode | N/A | $2.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Growlanser: Heritage of War (PS2 Classic) | N/A | $6.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Hitman Blood Money | N/A | $4.99 | $16.99 |
PS3 | Hitman Contracts | N/A | $4.99 | $16.99 |
PS3 | Hitman Silent Assassin | N/A | $4.99 | $16.99 |
PS3 | Hitman Absolution Special Edition | N/A | $4.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Just Cause 2 | N/A | $3.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Just Cause 2 Ultimate Edition | N/A | $5.99 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men | N/A | $3.99 | $14.99 |
PS3 | Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days | N/A | $4.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Legend of Mana (PSone Classic) | N/A | $2.99 | $5.99 |
PS3 | Mafia II | N/A | $4.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Mensa: Academy | N/A | $2.49 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Legion Edition | N/A | $49.99 | $59.99 |
PS3 | Mini Ninjas | N/A | $4.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Mirror’s Edge Pure Time Trials Map Pack | N/A | $4.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Murdered: Soul Suspect | N/A | $13.49 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Need for Speed Most Wanted Ultimate Edition | N/A | $39.99 | $59.99 |
PS3 | Odin Sphere (PS2 Classic) | N/A | $6.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Pandemonium! (PSone Classic) | N/A | $1.99 | $5.99 |
PS3 | Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (PSone Classic) | N/A | $6.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Persona 4 Arena Ultimate Edition | N/A | $19.99 | $44.99 |
PS3 | Quantum Conundrum | N/A | $4.99 | $14.99 |
PS3 | Rock of Ages | N/A | $4.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (PS2 Classic) | N/A | $6.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne (PS2 Classic) | N/A | $6.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES (PS2 Classic) | N/A | $6.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 (PS2 Classic) | N/A | $6.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Sleeping Dogs | N/A | $4.99 | $24.99 |
PS3 | SMT: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs The Soulless Army (PS2 Classic) | N/A | $6.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Spec Ops: The Line | N/A | $4.49 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Splice (Cross Buy with PS4) | $11.99 | N/A | $14.99 |
PS3 | Stella Deus: The Gate of Eternity (PS2 Classic) | N/A | $6.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | The Cursed Crusade | N/A | $2.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | The LEGO Movie Videogame | N/A | $19.99 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Tomb Raider | N/A | $9.99 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Tomb Raider III (PSone Classic) | N/A | $2.49 | $5.99 |
PS3 | Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation (PSone Classic) | N/A | $2.49 | $5.99 |
PS3 | Tomb Raider: Underworld Digital | N/A | $4.99 | $14.99 |
PS3 | XCOM: Enemy Unknown | N/A | $9.99 | $39.99 |
PS3 | XCOM: Enemy Within | N/A | $9.99 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Zeno Clash 2 | N/A | $4.99 | $14.99 |
PS Vita | Army Corps of Hell | N/A | $19.99 | $39.99 |
PS Vita | Boss! | N/A | $4.99 | $6.99 |
PS Vita | Citizens of Earth | $11.99 | N/A | $14.99 |
PS Vita | Men’s Room Mayhem | N/A | $0.99 | $1.99 |
PS Vita | Switch Galaxy Ultra | $17.09 | N/A | $18.99 |
PSP | Class of Heroes | N/A | $7.49 | $14.99 |
PSP | Crimson Gem Saga | N/A | $7.49 | $14.99 |
PSP | Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy | N/A | $9.99 | $19.99 |
PSP | Final Fantasy III | N/A | $9.99 | $19.99 |
PSP | Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time | N/A | $9.99 | $19.99 |
PSP | Gungnir | N/A | $9.99 | $19.99 |
PSP | Hexyz Force | N/A | $7.49 | $14.99 |
PSP | Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble | N/A | $7.49 | $14.99 |
PSP | Knights in the Nightmare | N/A | $7.49 | $14.99 |
PSP | Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Anniversary | N/A | $4.99 | $12.99 |
PSP | Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legends | N/A | $4.99 | $12.99 |
PSP | Lord of Arcana | N/A | $9.99 | $19.99 |
PSP | Riviera: The Promised Land | N/A | $4.99 | $9.99 |
PSP | Shin Megami Tensei: Persona | N/A | $9.99 | $19.99 |
PSP | Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2: Innocent Sin | N/A | $9.99 | $19.99 |
PSP | The 3rd Birthday | N/A | $9.99 | $19.99 |
PSP | Yggdra Union | N/A | $4.99 | $9.99 |
Mudanças de preço
Plataforma | Título | Preço Novo | Preço Original |
PS4 | LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham | $49.99 | $59.99 |
PS4 | LEGO Marvel Super Heroes | $19.99 | $39.99 |
PS4 | LEGO The Hobbit | $29.99 | $39.99 |
PS4 | The LEGO Movie Videogame | $29.99 | $49.99 |
PS4 | Watch Dogs | $49.99 | $59.99 |
PS4 | Watch Dogs Gold Edition | $69.99 | $79.99 |
PS3 | LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham | $39.99 | $49.99 |
PS3 | LEGO Marvel Super Heroes | $19.99 | $29.99 |
PS3 | LEGO The Hobbit | $19.99 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Watch Dogs | $39.99 | $59.99 |
PS3 | Watch Dogs Gold Edition | $59.99 | $79.99 |
PS Vita | LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham | $19.99 | $29.99 |
PS Vita | Pocket RPG | $7.99 | $14.99 |
Expansões para PS4
Assassin’s Creed UnitySecrets of the Revolution ($6.99, Gratuito com Season Pass)
Just Dance 2015
‘Boom Clap’ by Charli XCX ($2.99)
‘India Waale’ from the movie Happy New Year ($2.99)
‘Kiss Kiss’ by Prince Royce ($2.99)
‘Let It Go’ by Disney Frozen ($2.99)
‘Rock N Roll’ by Avril Lavigne ($1.99)
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
Rainbow Character Pack (Gratuito)
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Captain of the Watch Skin ($0.99)
Flesh Burners Warband ($1.99)
Orc Slayer Rune ($0.99)
Rabbids Invasion
Pack 3 Season One ($3.99, Gratuito com Season Pass)
Rocksmith 2014
Dio – Rainbow in the Dark ($2.99)
Motörhead – Ace of Spades ($2.99)
Rick Derringer – Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo ($2.99)
Styx – Renegade ($2.99)
Warrant – Cherry Pie ($2.99)
The Crew
2013 SRT Viper GTS Car Shipment ($2.99)
Abarth 500 Car Shipment ($1.99)
Aston Martin V12 Zagato Car Shipment ($3.99)
Extreme Car Pack ($6.99)
War Thunder
Grant I Advanced Pack ($22.99)
M3A1 Stuart Starter Pack ($4.99)
Worms Battlegrounds
Alien Invasion Pack ($4.99)
Expansões para PS3
Ace Combat InfinityExtra Contract & Special Supply Ticket Set B ($8.99)
Stocked Fuel & Special Supply Ticket Set D ($8.99)
Stocked Fuel & Special Supply Ticket Set E ($26.99)
Stocked Fuel & Special Supply Ticket Set F ($44.99)
Elite Pack Bundle ($12.99)
Unlimited Campaign Play Ticket ($17.99)
Best of Arcade Games
Air Hockey ($9.99)
Brick Breaker ($9.99)
Bubble Buster ($9.99)
Tetraminos ($9.99)
DC Universe Online
1500 Marketplace Cash with Bonus ($14.99, Disponível apenas para membros do PlayStation Plus)
Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd
Conteúdo com Cross Buy com o PS Vita
Ai Kotoba ($2.99)
Sekiranun Graffiti ($2.99)
General (Metallic) UI Skin (Gratuito)
Gothic Purple Costume Module ($1.99)
M.S.J Costume Module ($1.99)
Meiko (Flower) UI Skin (Gratuito)
Miku & Luka in a Box UI Skin (Gratuito)
Miku (Black Ivy) UI Skin (Free)
Nostalgia Costume Module ($1.99)
School Club Girl Costume Module ($1.99)
Shiny Costume Module ($1.99)
Summer Memories (Green) UI Skin (Gratuito)
Type 2020 Costume Module ($1.99)
Extra Characters Extended Pack ($5.99)
Just Dance 2015
‘Boom Clap’ by Charli XCX ($2.99)
‘India Waale’ from the movie Happy New Year ($2.99)
‘Kiss Kiss’ by Prince Royce ($2.99)
‘Let It Go’ by Disney Frozen ($2.99)
‘Rock N Roll’ by Avril Lavigne ($1.99)
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
Rainbow Character Pack (Gratuito)
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Captain of the Watch Character Skin ($0.99)
Flesh Burners Warband ($1.99)
Rocksmith 2014
Dio – Rainbow in the Dark ($2.99)
Motörhead – Ace of Spades ($2.99)
Rick Derringer – Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo ($2.99)
Styx – Renegade ($2.99)
Warrant – Cherry Pie ($2.99)
Expansões para PS Vita
Best of Arcade GamesAir Hockey ($9.99)
Brick Breaker ($9.99)
Bubble Buster ($9.99)
Tetraminos ($9.99)
Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd
Ai Kotoba ($2.99)
Sekiranun Graffiti ($2.99)
General (Metallic) UI Skin (Gratuito)
Gothic Purple Costume Module ($1.99)
M.S.J Costume Module ($1.99)
Meiko (Flower) UI Skin (Gratuito)
Miku & Luka in a Box UI Skin (Gratuito)
Miku (Black Ivy) UI Skin (Gratuito)
Nostalgia Costume Module ($1.99)
School Club Girl Costume Module ($1.99)
Shiny Costume Module ($1.99)
Summer Memories (Green) UI Skin (Gratuito)
Type 2020 Costume Module ($1.99)
Extra Characters Extended Pack ($5.99)
Temas e Avatares
Plataforma | Título | Preço |
PS4 | 3D Dynamic Galaxy G Theme | $3.49 |
PS4 | 3D Dynamic Galaxy Theme P | $3.49 |
PS4 | 3D Dynamic Meteor Theme | $3.49 |
PS4 | 3D Dynamic Shark Theme | $3.49 |
PS4 | 3D Dynamic Turtles Theme | $3.49 |
PS4 | 3D Earth in Space with Changing Galaxy Backgrounds Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | A Nebula Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | American Eagle Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Angry Baseball Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Anne Stokes: Protector Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Aquarium Dynamic Theme | $3.49 |
PS4 | Assassin Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Bone Eye Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Brooklyn Bridge Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Calm Puppy Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Canada Beaver Theme | $1.99 |
PS4 | Coral Reef Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Cyber Werewolf Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Dead Rude Boy Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Dynamic Blue Code | $3.49 |
PS4 | Dynamic Circuits Theme | $3.49 |
PS4 | Dynamic Galaxy A Cross Dissolve Theme | $3.49 |
PS4 | Dynamic Pirate Theme | $3.49 |
PS4 | Enter The Swat Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Gangsta Rap Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Gnarling Wolf Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Hade’s Wrath Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Mech Skull Brazil Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Mech Skull Israel Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Mech Skull Jamaica Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Mech Skull Mexico Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Mech Skull Russia Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Mech Skull Saudi Arabia Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Nuclear Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Serious Cat Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Slam Dunk Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Space Walk Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS4 | Space Walk Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | 3D Age of Pirates with Burning Pirate Flag Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | 3D Earth in Space with Changing Galaxy Backgrounds Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | A Blue Light Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | A Space View Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Abstract Code Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Abstract Life Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Abstract Orange Figures Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Abstract Tunnel Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Air Force Helmet Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | Alive 2 Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Ana Maria Cochina: Blackbirds Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Ana Maria Cochina: Carols Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Anastasia Bulgakova: Rise Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | Aquarium Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Army Helmet Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | Arsenal Football Club I Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Arsenal Football Club II Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Auburn Helmet Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | Avatar Bundle 004 | $6.99 |
PS3 | California Helmet Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | Electrical Sea Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Florida Helmet Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | Georgia Tech Helmet Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | Get Lost Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Ilya Kuvshinov: Heavy Print Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Ilya Kuvshinov: Pepper Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Jerry Lofaro: Animals Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | Kentucky Helmet Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | Manchester City FC I Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Manchester City FC II Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Manchester City Fc Iv Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Miami Helmet Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | Michael Chang: Mystic Battle Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | Michigan Helmet Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | Missouri Helmet Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | North Carolina Helmet Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS3 | Playing Cards Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Purple Dots And Lines Dynamic Theme | $2.99 |
PS3 | Texas Helmet Static Theme | $1.99 |
PS Vita | 3D Circuits Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | 3D Meteor Theme B | $2.99 |
PS Vita | 3D Meteor Theme G | $2.99 |
PS Vita | 3D Meteor Theme P | $2.99 |
PS Vita | Anne Stokes: Protector Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | Blue Code Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | Epic Pirate Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | Gnarling Wolf Theme | $2.99 |
Fonte: PlayStation Blog
Capa: Daniel Silva
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