Todos os preços estão em dólar americano
PlayStation 4 | PlayStation 3 | PlayStation Vita | Pré-compra | Promoções | Descontos da PS Plus | Descontos finalizando em 05/05 | Mudanças de preço | Expansões para PS4 | Expansões para PS3 | Expansões para PS Vita | Temas | Avatares
PlayStation 4
Brawl ($19.99)Você está pronto para enfrentar seus medos mais sombrios... com uma bomba em suas mãos? Entre na escuridão de The Emporium com 8 personagens únicos, cada um com uma rica história e reviravoltas inesperadas. Lute até o final usando diferentes formas de jogar, da pura brutalidade à furtividade das sombras.
Broken Age ($24.99, Cross Buy com o PS Vita)
De Tim Schafer, criador de point-and-click adventures imortais como The Secret of Monkey Island e Grim Fandango. Neste jogo, você vai apontar e clicar bastante enquanto ajuda os personagens Vella Tartine e Shay Volta em suas aventuras inexperadas. Espere por muitos puzzles, um ótimo senso de humor e uma história fantástica.
Omega Quintet ($59.99)
Um insano híbrido de RPG e simulação de ídolos musicais. Cinco cantoras pop usam suas Sound Weapons para combater as forças das trevas ao redor do mundo. Monte seu arsenal de ataques enquanto deixa as plateias animadas com suas habilidades e deixe todos aos seus pés em performances ao vivo!
Project Root ($9.99, Cross Buy com o PS Vita)
Fazendo homenagem aos clássicos SHMUP, Project Root lança os jogadores na linha de frente de uma rebelião contra a maglina Prometheus Corp. Combatentes têm acesso à uma miríade de aprimoramentes para naves, mísseis, armas, escudos e ferramentas para ajudar em suas batalhas.
Tropico 5 ($59.99)
O melhor (único?) simulador de ditador do mercado chega ao PS4! Com novas artes, construções e funcionalidades, nenhum dissidente ficará no caminho de sua utopia distópica!
PlayStation 3
Paranormal Pursuit: The Gifted One Collector’s Edition ($14.99)Cada segundo conta nesta aventura paranormal de turar o fôlego! Vidas estão sob risco enquanto você corre para manter um jovem garoto com habilidades psiquícas longe de políticos malignos. Para fugir dos capangas enviados para raptar a criança, você terá que usar da sua inteligência, resolvendo quebra-cabeças, interagindo com os cenários e usando as habilidades do garoto nos momentos oportunos.
Risk ($9.99)
RISK é um dos jogos de tabuleiro bélicos mais clássicos do mundo — tão influente que até gerou uma versão abrasileirada, conhecida por essas bandas de "War". Esta versão digital preserva todos os elementos clássicos do game, mas com gráficos 3D e partidas online para tornar as batalhas modernas.
Star Wars – Throwback Pack Bundle ($45.99)
Cinco jogos de Star Wars para os padawans de toda a galáxia.
• STAR WARS™ Bounty Hunter™
• STAR WARS™: Dark Forces
• STAR WARS™: Racer Revenge
• STAR WARS™: Episode III Revenge of the Sith™
• STAR WARS™ Starfighter™
E que a força esteja com você!
PlayStation Vita
Sketchcross ($7.99)Um jogo de lógica com gravuras. São 50 quebra-cabeças ao todo, além de vários modos para desafiar sua mente.
Star Wars Mega Bundle ($39.99, PSP/PS Vita)
Os fãs de Star Wars que jogam na telinha têm seu próprio pacote especial. Os seis jogos inclusos neste Mega Bundle são:
• STAR WARS™ Battlefront II
• STAR WARS™ Battlefront: Renegade Squadron™
• STAR WARS™ Battlefront: Elite Squadron™ PSP®
• LEGO STAR WARS™ III: The Clone Wars™ PSP®
• STAR WARS™: The Clone Wars™: Republic Heroes™
• STAR WARS™: The Force Unleashed™ PSP®
Também foram lançados para PS Vita:
- Broken Age ($24.99, Cross Buy com o PS4)
- Project Root ($9.99, Cross Buy com o PS4)
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition (PS4) ($99.99)O final da série Batman: Arkham é um dos jogos mais esperados da nova geração. Fazendo a pré-compra, você recebe um tema gratuito. Essa é a vesão Premium, que vem com o Season Pass incluso, dando-lhe acesso a 6 DLCs.
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster (PS4) ($49.99)
Já lançado para PS Vita e PS3, o remake de um dos jogos mais amados da franquia Final Fantasy (e outro não tão amado assim) agora chegará ao PS4. Comprando agora, você ganha um tema gratuito.
Plataforma | Título | Preço Promocional | Preço Original |
PS4 | Angry Birds Star Wars | $15.00 | $49.99 |
PS4 | Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition | $89.99 | $99.99 |
PS4 | Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition Upgrade | $29.99 | $39.99 |
PS4 | Zen Pinball 2 Star Wars Pinball: Heroes Within | $3.50 | $9.99 |
PS4 | Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars Pinball | $2.30 | $9.99 |
PS4 | Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars Pinball Balance of the Force | $3.50 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Castlevania: Lament of Innocence | $5.00 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Persona 4 Arena Ultimax- Additional Character 1: Tohru Adachi | $2.49 | $4.99 |
PS3 | Persona 4 Arena Ultimax: Additional Character 2: Marie | $2.49 | $4.99 |
PS3 | Persona 4 Arena Ultimax: Additional Character 3: Margaret | $2.49 | $4.99 |
PS3 | Persona 4 Arena Ultimax: Additional Colors Full Pack | $2.99 | $5.99 |
PS3 | Persona 4 Arena Ultimax: Boss Character Unlock | $1.49 | $2.99 |
PS3 | Persona 4 Arena Ultimax: Full Icon Unlock | $1.49 | $2.99 |
PS3 | Persona 4 Arena Ultimax: Full Title Unlock | $1.49 | $2.99 |
PS3 | Persona 4 Arena Ultimax: Glasses Full Pack | $2.99 | $5.99 |
PS3 | Persona 4 Arena Ultimax: Narration & Round Call Unlock | $1.49 | $2.99 |
PS3 | Persona 4 Arena Ultimax: Navigation Set A | $5.99 | $11.99 |
PS3 | Persona 4 Arena Ultimax: Navigation Set B | $12.49 | $24.99 |
PS3 | Persona 4 Arena Ultimax: P4A Story | $4.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II: Endor Bonus Missions | $0.50 | $0.99 |
PS3 | Angry Birds Star Wars | $10.00 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Star Wars Bounty Hunter | $7.49 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Star Wars Pinball Pack | $2.50 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Star Wars Pinball: Balance of the Force | $3.50 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Star Wars Throwback Pack Bundle | $30.35 | $45.99 |
PS3 | Star Wars: Dark Forces | $1.50 | $5.99 |
PS3 | Star Wars: Starfighter | $7.49 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II | $7.00 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II: Dynamic Theme | $0.96 | $2.99 |
PS3 | Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith | $7.49 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Star Wars: Racer Revenge | $7.49 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Star Wars Pinball Pack Demo | $2.50 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Zen Pinball 2 Star Wars Pinball: Heroes Within | $3.50 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars Pinball | $2.30 | $9.99 |
PS Vita | Angry Birds Star Wars | $10.00 | $39.99 |
PS Vita | Star Wars Pinball | $2.30 | $9.99 |
PS Vita | Star Wars Pinball: Balance of the Force | $3.50 | $9.99 |
PS Vita | Angry Birds Star Wars | $10.00 | $39.99 |
PS Vita | Zen Pinball 2 Star Wars Pinball: Heroes Within | $3.50 | $9.99 |
PS Vita | Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars Pinball | $2.30 | $9.99 |
PS Vita | Star Wars Pinball Pack Unlock | $2.50 | $9.99 |
PSP | LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars PSP | $7.00 | $19.99 |
PSP | Star Wars: Battlefront Elite Squadron PSP | $7.00 | $19.99 |
PSP | Star Wars: Battlefront II | $3.50 | $9.99 |
PSP | Star Wars: Battlefront Renegade Squadron | $3.50 | $9.99 |
PSP | Star Wars: Dark Forces | $1.50 | $5.99 |
PSP | Star Wars: The Clone Wars Republic Heroes | $3.50 | $9.99 |
PSP | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed PSP | $3.50 | $9.99 |
Descontos da PS Plus
Plataforma | Título | Preço Plus | Preço Promocional | Preço Original |
PS4 | AKIBA’S TRIP: Undead & Undressed | $24.99 | $29.99 | $49.99 |
PS4 | BROKEN AGE | $17.49 | N/A | $24.99 |
PS4 | Citizens of Earth | $8.99 | $10.49 | $14.99 |
PS4 | Dust: An Elysian Tail | $7.49 | $8.99 | $14.99 |
PS4 | METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES | $8.00 | $10.00 | $19.99 |
PS4 | NAtURAL DOCtRINE | $29.99 | $35.99 | $59.99 |
PS4 | Pier Solar and the Great Architects | $6.00 | $7.50 | $14.99 |
PS4 | PROJECT ROOT | $6.99 | N/A | $9.99 |
PS4 | Resident Evil HD Remaster | $14.99 | $15.99 | $19.99 |
PS4 | Resident Evil Revelations 2 Episode 1 | $2.99 | $3.59 | $5.99 |
PS4 | STRIDER | $6.00 | $7.50 | $14.99 |
PS4 | The Legend of Korra | $7.49 | $8.39 | $14.99 |
PS3 | AKIBA’S TRIP: Undead & Undressed | $19.99 | $23.99 | $39.99 |
PS3 | AQUAPAZZA | $7.50 | $10.20 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Ar nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star | $20.00 | $25.00 | $49.99 |
PS3 | Arcana Heart 3: LOVE MAX!!!!! | $10.00 | $12.50 | $24.99 |
PS3 | Atelier Escha & Logy ~Alchemists of the Dusk Sky~ | $15.00 | $20.00 | $49.99 |
PS3 | Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist of Arland | $20.00 | $25.00 | $49.99 |
PS3 | Battle Princess of Arcadias | $9.00 | $12.00 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Bionic Commando: Rearmed | $4.99 | $5.99 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Catherine | $5.00 | $6.80 | $19.99 |
PS3 | CHAOS CODE | $3.00 | $4.08 | $11.99 |
PS3 | Darkstalkers Resurrection | $6.00 | $7.50 | $14.99 |
PS3 | Dead Rising 2 Off The Record | $8.00 | $10.00 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Deception IV: Blood Ties | $18.00 | $24.00 | $59.99 |
PS3 | Demon’s Souls | $5.00 | $6.80 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness | $10.00 | $13.60 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z | $12.00 | $16.00 | $39.99 |
PS3 | DYNASTY WARRIORS: Gundam Reborn | $16.00 | $20.00 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Fairy Fencer F | $24.99 | $29.99 | $49.99 |
PS3 | Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F | $20.00 | $25.00 | $49.99 |
PS3 | Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd | $24.99 | $29.99 | $49.99 |
PS3 | Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory | $7.50 | $10.20 | $29.99 |
PS3 | KILLER IS DEAD | $9.99 | $11.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Lost Planet 3 | $10.00 | $13.60 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Mamorukun Curse! | $2.50 | $3.40 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Mega Man 9 & 10 Combo Pack | $7.49 | $8.99 | $14.99 |
PS3 | Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance | $8.00 | $10.00 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty – HD Edition | $6.00 | $7.50 | $14.99 |
PS3 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater – HD Edition | $6.00 | $7.50 | $14.99 |
PS3 | METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES | $8.00 | $10.00 | $19.99 |
PS3 | METAL GEAR SOLID: HD COLLECTION | $16.00 | $20.00 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker – HD Edition | $8.00 | $10.00 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Mugen Souls Z | $9.00 | $12.00 | $29.99 |
PS3 | NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Revolution | $20.00 | $25.00 | $49.99 |
PS3 | NAtURAL DOCtRINE | $16.00 | $20.00 | $39.99 |
PS3 | ONE PIECE PIRATE WARRIORS 2 | $12.00 | $15.00 | $29.99 |
PS3 | ONE PIECE Unlimited World Red – Prestige Edition | $29.99 | $35.99 | $59.99 |
PS3 | Persona 4 Arena | $7.50 | $10.20 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Pier Solar and the Great Architects | $6.00 | $7.50 | $14.99 |
PS3 | Raiden IV: OverKill | $6.00 | $8.00 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Remember Me | $12.00 | $16.00 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Resident Evil HD Remaster | $14.99 | $15.99 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Resident Evil Revelations 2 Episode 1 | $2.99 | $3.59 | $5.99 |
PS3 | Resonance of Fate | $8.00 | $10.00 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny | $7.50 | $10.20 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Saint Seiya: Brave Soldiers | $18.00 | $24.00 | $59.99 |
PS3 | SHORT PEACE: Ranko Tsukigime’s Longest Day | $16.00 | $20.00 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Skullgirls Encore | $4.50 | $6.00 | $14.99 |
PS3 | STRIDER | $6.00 | $7.50 | $14.99 |
PS3 | Tales of Graces f | $8.75 | $11.90 | $34.99 |
PS3 | Tales of Graces f + Tales of Xillia – Combo Pack | $18.00 | $24.00 | $59.99 |
PS3 | Tales of Symphonia Chronicles | $9.00 | $12.00 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Tales of Symphonia | $6.00 | $8.00 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World | $6.00 | $8.00 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Tears to Tiara II: Heir of the Overlord | $19.99 | $23.99 | $39.99 |
PS3 | The Guided Fate Paradox | $5.00 | $6.80 | $19.99 |
PS3 | The Legend of Korra | $7.49 | $8.39 | $14.99 |
PS3 | The Witch and the Hundred Knight | $9.00 | $12.00 | $29.99 |
PS3 | Time and Eternity | $5.00 | $6.80 | $19.99 |
PS3 | TRINITY: Souls of Zill O’ll | $6.00 | $8.00 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late | $23.99 | $27.99 | $39.99 |
PS3 | Yakuza: Dead Souls | $8.00 | $10.00 | $19.99 |
PS3 | Zone of the Enders 1 HD Edition | $4.00 | $5.00 | $9.99 |
PS3 | Zone of the Enders HD Collection | $14.00 | $17.50 | $34.99 |
PS3 | Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner HD Edition | $8.00 | $10.00 | $19.99 |
PS Vita | BROKEN AGE | $17.49 | N/A | $24.99 |
PS Vita | DRAW SLASHER & RUN LIKE HELL! BUNDLE | $2.00 | N/A | $7.99 |
PS Vita | PROJECT ROOT | $6.99 | N/A | $9.99 |
PS Vita | SKETCHCROSS | $7.19 | N/A | $7.99 |
PS Vita | AKIBA’S TRIP: Undead & Undressed | $19.99 | $23.99 | $39.99 |
PS Vita | Arcana Heart 3: LOVE MAX!!!!! | $10.00 | $12.50 | $24.99 |
PS Vita | BlazBlue: Continuum Shift EXTEND | $3.75 | $5.10 | $14.99 |
PS Vita | Citizens of Earth | $8.99 | $10.49 | $14.99 |
PS Vita | Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars | $9.00 | $12.00 | $29.99 |
PS Vita | CRIMINAL GIRLS: Invite Only | $23.99 | $27.99 | $39.99 |
PS Vita | Demon Gaze | $12.00 | $16.00 | $39.99 |
PS Vita | Dragon’s Crown | $10.00 | $13.60 | $39.99 |
PS Vita | FANTASY HERO ~unsigned legacy~ | $7.49 | $8.99 | $14.99 |
PS Vita | Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA f | $14.99 | $17.99 | $29.99 |
PS Vita | htoLNiQ: The Firefly Diary | $8.99 | $10.49 | $14.99 |
PS Vita | Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart | $23.99 | $27.99 | $39.99 |
PS Vita | Hyperdimension Neptunia ReBirth2 | $23.99 | $27.99 | $39.99 |
PS Vita | Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty – HD Edition | $6.00 | $7.50 | $14.99 |
PS Vita | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater – HD Edition | $6.00 | $7.50 | $14.99 |
PS Vita | METAL GEAR SOLID: HD COLLECTION | $12.00 | $15.00 | $29.99 |
PS Vita | NAtURAL DOCtRINE | $16.00 | $20.00 | $39.99 |
PS Vita | ONE PIECE Unlimited World Red – Prestige Edition | $24.99 | $29.99 | $49.99 |
PS Vita | SENRAN KAGURA Bon Appetit! | $7.49 | $8.99 | $14.99 |
PS Vita | SENRAN KAGURA Shinovi Versus | $19.99 | $23.99 | $39.99 |
PS Vita | Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God | $6.00 | $7.50 | $14.99 |
PS Vita | Toukiden: The Age of Demons | $12.00 | $16.00 | $39.99 |
PSP | Adventures To Go! | $3.75 | $5.10 | $14.99 |
PSP | Carnage Heart EXA | $5.00 | $6.80 | $19.99 |
PSP | Class of Heroes 2 | $6.25 | $8.50 | $24.99 |
PSP | Class of Heroes | $3.75 | $5.10 | $14.99 |
PSP | Crimson Gem Saga | $3.75 | $5.10 | $14.99 |
PSP | DJMAX Portable 3 | $10.00 | $13.60 | $39.99 |
PSP | End of Serenity | $4.50 | $6.00 | $14.99 |
PSP | Growlanser Wayfarer of Time | $5.00 | $6.80 | $19.99 |
PSP | GUNGNIR | $5.00 | $6.80 | $19.99 |
PSP | Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure | $2.50 | $3.40 | $9.99 |
PSP | Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl | $3.75 | $5.10 | $14.99 |
PSP | Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley | $5.00 | $6.80 | $19.99 |
PSP | Hexyz Force | $3.75 | $5.10 | $14.99 |
PSP | Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon | $3.75 | $5.10 | $14.99 |
PSP | Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble | $3.75 | $5.10 | $14.99 |
PSP | Knights in the Nightmare | $3.75 | $5.10 | $14.99 |
PSP | Mega Man Maverick Hunter X | $4.99 | $5.99 | $9.99 |
PSP | METAL GEAR SOLID: PEACE WALKER | $8.00 | $10.00 | $19.99 |
PSP | Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops | $4.00 | $5.00 | $9.99 |
PSP | Mystic Chronicles | $3.75 | $5.10 | $14.99 |
PSP | Riviera: The Promised Land | $2.50 | $3.40 | $9.99 |
PSP | Strikers 1945 Plus | $1.25 | $1.70 | $4.99 |
PSP | Suikoden II (PSOne Classic) | $4.00 | $5.00 | $9.99 |
PSP | Yggdra Union | $2.50 | $3.40 | $9.99 |
Descontos finalizando em 05 de maio
Plataforma | Título |
PS4 | Aaru’s Awakening |
PS4 | Never Alone |
PS4 | Tower of Guns |
PS4 | Wolfenstein: The Old Blood |
PS3 | Aaru’s Awakening |
PS3 | Dishonored |
PS3 | Tower of Guns |
PS Vita | Draw Slasher & Run Like Hell! Bundle |
PS Vita | Killzone Mercenary |
PS Vita | Monster Bag |
PS Vita | Sketchcross |
Mudanças de preço
Plataforma | Título | Novo Preço | Preço Original |
PS4 | The Golf Club | $29.99 | $34.99 |
PS Vita | Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom | $19.99 | $29.99 |
Expansões para PS4
Batman Arkham KnightArkham Knight Premium Edition (Upgrade) ($39.99)
Battlefield Hardline
Enforcer Shortcut ($6.99)
Gear Shortcut ($6.99)
Mechanic Shortcut ($6.99)
Operator Shortcut ($6.99)
Player Shortcut Bundle ($24.99)
Professional Shortcut ($6.99)
Rent A Server 1 Day ($1.49)
Rent A Server 30 Days ($24.99)
Rent A Server 7 Days ($6.99)
Rent A Server 90 Days ($59.99)
Ultimate Shortcut Bundle ($49.99)
Vehicle Shortcut ($24.99)
Dead or Alive 5 Last Round: Core Fighters
Showstoppers Encore Christie ($1.99)
Showstoppers Encore Helena ($1.99)
Showstoppers Encore Lisa ($1.99)
Showstoppers Encore Mila ($1.99)
Showstoppers Encore Nyotengu ($1.99)
Showstoppers Encore Phase 4 ($1.99)
Showstoppers Encore Rachel ($1.99)
Showstoppers Encore Tina ($1.99)
Showstoppers Encore Set ($11.99)
Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Free Alliances Version
Conteúdo com Cross Buy com o PS3
Edit Parts – Female Equipment 6 ($4.99)
Edit Parts – Female Equipment 7 ($5.99)
Edit Parts – Female Equipment 8 ($5.99)
Edit Parts – Male Equipment 6 ($4.99)
Edit Parts – Male Equipment 7 ($4.99)
Edit Parts – Male Equipment 8 ($5.99)
Edit Voice 5 ($1.99)
LittleBigPlanet 3
Adventure Time Costume Pack ($5.99)
Adventure Time Level Creator Kit ($4.99)
Adventure Time: Cosmic Owl Costume ($1.99)
Adventure Time: Finn The Human Costume ($1.99)
Adventure Time: Gunter Costume ($1.99)
Adventure Time: Jake The Dog Costume ($1.99)
Adventure Time: The Ice King Costume ($1.99)
Omega Quintet
Character Appreciation ($1.99)
Angel Wing ($0.99)
Arcanium Power Pack ($0.99)
Arcanium Power Pack 2 ($0.99)
Arcanium Power Pack 3 ($0.99)
Avenger’s Spear ($0.99)
Chocolate Mint Lover ($0.99)
Coin Power Pack ($0.99)
Coin Power Pack 2 ($0.99)
Complete Mad Encyclopedia (Gratuito)
Ep Power Pack ($0.99)
Ep Power Pack 2 ($0.99)
Ep Power Pack 3 ($0.99)
First Verse Maiden War (Gratuito)
Flying Fists ($0.99)
Fourth Verse Maiden War (Gratuito)
Full Gallery Unlocked ($1.99)
Happy Geisha ($0.99)
Lights Camera Action! ($0.99)
Marching Idol Gear ($0.99)
Mega Rifle ($0.99)
New Attachment Set ($0.99)
New Protector Set ($0.99)
Plushy Cat Paw Hammer ($0.99)
Rare Armor Set ($0.99)
Robotic Idol Gear ($0.99)
Second Verse Maiden War (Gratuito)
Third Verse Maiden War (Gratuito)
Verse Maiden Beginner Pack 1 (Gratuito)
Verse Maiden Beginner Pack 2 (Gratuito)
Verse Maiden Beginner Pack 3 (Gratuito)
Wealth Pack ($0.99)
Wealth Pack 2 ($0.99)
Wealth Pack 3 ($1.99)
Rocksmith 2014
Dethklok – Awaken ($2.99)
Dethklok – Go Into the Water ($2.99)
Dethklok – Thunderhorse ($2.99)
Dethklok Song Pack ($7.99)
Toukiden: Kiwami
Armor Zhao Yun and Wang Yuanji Set ($1.99)
Zen Pinball 2
Star Wars Rebels ($2.99)
Expansões para PS3
Battlefield HardlineEnforcer Shortcut ($6.99)
Gear Shortcut ($6.99)
Mechanic Shortcut ($6.99)
Operator Shortcut ($6.99)
Player Shortcut Bundle ($24.99)
Professional Shortcut ($6.99)
Rent A Server 1 Day ($1.49)
Rent A Server 30 Days ($24.99)
Rent A Server 7 Days ($6.99)
Rent A Server 90 Days ($59.99)
Ultimate Shortcut Bundle ($49.99)
Vehicle Shortcut ($24.99)
Dead or Alive 5 Last Round: Core Fighters
Showstoppers Encore Christie ($1.99)
Showstoppers Encore Helena ($1.99)
Showstoppers Encore Lisa ($1.99)
Showstoppers Encore Mila ($1.99)
Showstoppers Encore Nyotengu ($1.99)
Showstoppers Encore Phase 4 ($1.99)
Showstoppers Encore Rachel ($1.99)
Showstoppers Encore Tina ($1.99)
Showstoppers Encore Set ($11.99)
Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Free Alliances Version
Conteúdo com Cross Buy com o PS4
Edit Parts – Female Equipment 6 ($4.99)
Edit Parts – Female Equipment 7 ($5.99)
Edit Parts – Female Equipment 8 ($5.99)
Edit Parts – Male Equipment 6 ($4.99)
Edit Parts – Male Equipment 7 ($4.99)
Edit Parts – Male Equipment 8 ($5.99)
Edit Voice 5 ($1.99)
MX vs. ATV Supercross
Supercross Track Pack 4 ($9.99)
Rocksmith 2014
Dethklok – Awaken ($2.99)
Dethklok – Go Into the Water ($2.99)
Dethklok – Thunderhorse ($2.99)
Dethklok Song Pack ($7.99)
Zen Pinball 2
Star Wars Rebels ($2.99)
Expansões para PS Vita
Toukiden: KiwamiArmor Zhao Yun and Wang Yuanji Set ($1.99)
Zen Pinball 2
Star Wars Rebels ($2.99)
Plataforma | Título | Preço |
PS4 | Bad Business: Geisha Thom Theme | $1.99 |
PS4 | Star Wars: The Digital Movie Collection Theme | Free |
PS3 | Star Wars: The Digital Movie Collection Theme | Free |
PS Vita | Freedom Wars – Kouken Girls Theme | $1.99 |
PS Vita | Freedom Wars Theme | $1.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Anaheim Ducks Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Arizona Coyotes Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Boston Bruins Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Buffalo Sabres Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Calgary Flames Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Carolina Hurricanes Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Chicago Blackhawks Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Colorado Avalanche Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Columbus Blue Jackets Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Dallas Stars Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Detroit Red Wings Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Edmonton Oilers Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Florida Panthers Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Los Angeles Kings Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Minnesota Wild Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Montreal Canadiens Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Nashville Predators Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: New Jersey Devils Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: New York Islanders Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: New York Rangers Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Ottawa Senators Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Philadelphia Flyers Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Pittsburgh Penguins Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: San Jose Sharks Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: St. Louis Blues Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Tampa Bay Lightning Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Toronto Maple Leafs Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Vancouver Canucks Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Washington Capitals Theme | $2.99 |
PS Vita | NHL: Winnipeg Jets Theme | $2.99 |
Plataforma | Título | Preço |
PS3 | RESOGUN Astronaut Human Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Boss Atomikube Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Boss Doomsphere Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Boss Rotatron Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Boss Serpentinus Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Boss Stormruler Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Destroyer (Defender) Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Dropship (Heroes) Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Halloween Human Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Human Falling Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Human Praising Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Human Sitting Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Human Walking Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Human Waving Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Parahuman (Heroes) Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Pirate Human Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Sentinel (Heroes) Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Ship Ferox Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Ship Nemesis Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Ship Phobos Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Ship Rustbucket Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Ship Stardust Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Skeleton Human Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Uncle Sam Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Wrecking Balls (Heroes) Avatar | $0.49 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Avatar Pack Alpha | $0.99 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Avatar Pack Bravo | $0.99 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Avatar Pack Charlie | $0.99 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Avatar Pack Delta | $0.99 |
PS3 | RESOGUN Avatar Pack Echo | $0.99 |
Fonte: PlayStation Blog
Capa: Daniel Alves
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