
Flash Sale na PSN tem jogos de sobrevivência com desconto

Por meio do blog oficial do PlayStation, a Sony anunciou uma nova promoção na PSN. São vários jogos com temática de sobrevivência com até 85% de desconto. Dentre as ofertas, é possível adquirir títulos como Don't Starve:  Console Edition, Bastion, Metro Redux e Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture por ótimos preços. Até o momento não foi confirmado se a promoção acontecerá também na PSN Brasileira. Confira a lista americana:

TítuloPlataformaPreço com DescontoPreço original
Alien RagePS3$2.99$14.99
Badland: Game Of The Year EditionPS3$4.79$11.99
Battle Princess Of ArcadiasPS3$8.99$29.99
Bioshock 2PS3$2.99$19.99
Bioshock InfinitePS3$7.99$39.99
Darksiders + Darksiders II Ultimate EditionPS3$13.99$69.99
Darksiders IIPS3$5.99$39.99
Darksiders II Ultimate EditionPS3$11.99$59.99
Don’t Starve: Giant EditionPS3$4.49$14.99
I Am AlivePS3$2.99$14.99
Lone Survivor: The Director’s CutPS3$1.99$9.99
Motorstorm ApocalypsePS3$2.24$14.99
Narco TerrorPS3$1.99$9.99
Race The SunPS3$3.49$9.99
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis – Psone ClassicPS3$2.99$5.99
Resident Evil 2 – Psone ClassicPS3$2.99$5.99
Saints Row Gat Out Of HellPS3$7.99$19.99
Sniper Elite 3 Ultimate EditionPS3$11.99$29.99
The Bureau: Xcom DeclassifiedPS3$3.99$19.99
The Last GuyPS3$1.49$9.99
The Walking Dead Survival InstinctPS3$14.49$49.99
Tokyo JunglePS3$2.24$14.99
Xcom: Enemy UnknownPS3$7.99$39.99
Badland: Game Of The Year EditionPS4$4.79$11.99
Don’t Starve: Console EditionPS4$4.49$14.99
Everybody’s Gone To The RapturePS4$7.99$19.99
Lone Survivor: The Director’s CutPS4$1.99$9.99
Lords Of The FallenPS4$20.99$59.99
Metro ReduxPS4$12.49$49.99
Race The SunPS4$3.49$9.99
Saints Row Gat Out Of HellPS4$7.99$19.99
Sniper Elite 3 Ultimate EditionPS4$15.99$39.99
Titan Attacks!PS4$2.39$11.99
White NightPS4$4.94$14.99
Black Rock Shooter The GamePSP$3.99$19.99
Generation Of Chaos 3PSP$3.99$19.99
Half-minute HeroPSP$3.99$9.99
Lunar: Silver Star HarmonyPSP$5.99$14.99
YS: SevenPSP$5.99$14.99
Badland: Game Of The Year EditionPS Vita$4.79$11.99
Don’t Starve: Giant EditionPS Vita$4.49$14.99
Htolniq: The Firefly DiaryPS Vita$5.24$14.99
LimboPS Vita$3.99$9.99
Lone Survivor: The Director’s CutPS Vita$1.99$9.99
MachinariumPS Vita$1.74$6.99
ProteusPS Vita$2.79$13.99
Race The SunPS Vita$3.49$9.99
Valhalla Knights 3PS Vita$7.99$19.99
Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last RewardPS Vita$9.99$24.99

A promoção acontecerá até segunda-feira, 19 de outubro.

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